スキル 360 – プレゼンテーション: 視聴者とつながる (2)

ビジネス英語プレゼンテーション - Connecting to Your Audience (2)

へようこそ スキル 360 for today’s lesson on how to connect with your audience while you’re actually delivering your presentation.

It’s easy to leave your connection with the audience to chance. というのは, you might think that giving a presentation should be about conveying a message rather than “connecting” with your audience. But I assure you, whatever your message is, you’ll get it across with much greater success if you have a good connection with your audience. And that connection isn’t a chance occurrence. You have to work on it.

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スキル 360 – プレゼンテーション: 視聴者とつながる (1)

Business English for Connecting your Presentation to your Audience 1

へようこそ スキル 360 for today’s lesson on how to connect with your audience during a presentation.

You’ve probably heard all sorts of advice about delivering a good プレゼンテーション. But at the end of the day, every single presentation strategy is designed for one thing: connecting with the audience. 実際には, if you don’t connect with your audience, you might as well pack up your PowerPoint and head home. You need to build a bridge to send your message across. No bridge, no message. And don’t think you need to be an easy-going extrovert to connect with an audience. This is something that you can learn to do well.

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BEP 291 – 英語面接スキル 3: 目標と期待

BEP 291 - 就職面接のための英語 3: Career Goals and Expectations

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on talking about your goals and expectations in a job interview.

英語での面接, you’ll surely have to answer questions about your experience and your background. And you’ll be trying to convince the interviewers that you’re the person they are looking for. But what are you looking for? And how does the job you’re applying for fit into your plans?

Your goals and expectations matter. Interviewers want to know that you’re the right fit for each other. So you should be prepared to talk about your plans and what you’re looking for. You should also be ready to talk about the industry, and about the company you’re hoping to work for.

Today we’ll learn some of the techniques and language you can use to talk about your goals and expectations in an 英語の就職の面接. We’ll look at how to answer a question about career goals, and to answer a negative question. We’ll also cover how to show knowledge about the industry and ask good questions about the company. そして最後に, we’ll look at how to give salary expectations and talk about your intangible priorities, which means what you’re looking for besides money and benefits.

ダイアログ内で, we’ll rejoin Ryan, who’s interviewing for a job at a software company. He’s being interviewed by Sandra and Victor, who want to know about Ryan’s goals and expectations.


1. What is Ryan’s career goal?
2. What question does Ryan ask about the company?
3. What are Ryan’s salary expectations?

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BEP 290 – 英語面接スキル 2: 難しい質問への対応

BEP 290 - 就職面接のための英語: Dealing with Difficult Questions

こんにちは、ビジネス英語ポッドへようこそ. 私の名前はエドウィン, and I’ll be your host for today’s lesson on dealing with difficult questions in a job interview.

英語面接, even simple questions about your experience and background can be difficult to answer well. Even though you’ve done your preparation, you might feel nervous or uncomfortable. その後, to make it even more challenging, the interviewer asks you a difficult question.

承知しました, everyone expects the question about a personal weakness. That’s one that you need to have a good answer for. But you might also get a range of other difficult questions that you can’t prepare for. And so you need to think on your feet and give the best answer you can.

Today we’ll look at some of the techniques and language for interview English you can use when faced with these difficult questions. We’ll learn how to answer hypothetical questions and leading questions. We’ll also cover softening language for talking about a weakness and stalling for time with a difficult question. そして最後に, we’ll look at how to explain how you’re different from other candidates and how to connect an idea back to an earlier idea.

ダイアログ内で, we’ll rejoin Ryan, Sandra, and Victor. Ryan is interviewing for a job at a software company, while Sandra and Victor are giving him some difficult questions to deal with.


1. How does Ryan answer the question about what he “would” do in a certain situation?
2. How does Ryan describe his weakness?
3. What does Ryan think makes him different from other people?

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BEP 289 – 英語面接スキル 1: 経験について話す

BEP 289 - 就職面接のための英語: 以前の経験について話し合う

ビジネス英語ポッドへようこそ。今日は、ビジネス中の仕事の経験について話すレッスンです。 英語での面接.

アン 英語でのインタビュー それは私たちの仕事生活の中で最もストレスの多い経験の一つかもしれません. 賭け金は高い, 仕事が待っているから. そして、これは、なぜ他のすべての応募者ではなく私たちを選ぶべきなのかを人々に示す唯一のショットです。.

では、どうすれば自分が最適な候補者であると相手に説得できるでしょうか? 良い, あなたは彼らの質問に答える必要があります, もちろん. しかし、面接官があなたについて何を知ろうとしているのかを知るために、質問の裏に目を向ける必要もあります。. そして、質問を好印象を与える機会として捉える必要があります.

幸いにも, 素晴らしい印象を与えるために学ぶことができるテクニックや言語があります. これまでの経験から得られる転移可能な学習を強調することができます. 自分の性格を説明するだけでなく、業績とその影響を強調することもできます. そして最後に, なぜその会社で働きたいのかを示すことができます. 今日のレッスンで, 就職面接でこれらのテクニックを使用する方法を学びます.

ダイアログ内で, ライアンの声が聞こえるでしょう, だれの 英語で面接 大手ソフトウェア会社への就職. 会社のマネージャー2名 – サンドラとヴィクター – ライアンの経験と性格について質問しています.


1. ライアンは前職で何を学んだと言っていますか?
2. ライアンは自分の業績の 1 つを説明します. その功績の影響は何だったと彼は言う?
3. ライアンは自分の性格をどのように説明していますか?

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