このレッスンでは, 私たちは見ていきます ビジネス英語語彙related to agileプロジェクト管理and the scrum framework of product development.
Scrum involves working in sprints, or short cycles, to develop a product rapidly. Key roles in scrum include the scrum master along with the product owner, as well as product teams, which create the product by working through the sprint backlog.
今日では 925 英語レッスン, we’re going to learn how to agree with ideas in English.
毎日, in life and work, we have to decide whether we agree or disagree with other people’s ideas. It might be in a serious discussion about who to hire or how to cut costs, or in a simple conversation about where to go for lunch. And when you hear an idea that you like, you want to show your support for it, 正しい?
今日の対話で, カムとデビッドの話を聞きましょう, ボストンヴィンテージというアメリカの衣料品会社で働いている人. David is the manager of the company’s Shanghai office. Cam は生産マネージャーで、会社のスタッフと会い、新しい生産施設を視察するために中国を訪れています。. 以前の会話で, カム氏はデービッド氏に、同社は中国ではなく東南アジアに焦点を当てるという戦略的決定を下したと語った。.
今日では 925 英語レッスン, we’re going to learn how to talk about your ideas in English.
You might be full of great ideas about your company, your products, or how to connect with your customers. But those ideas aren’t very useful if you can’t tell other people about them.