状況によっては, 私たちのリクエストは非常に直接的です. 例えば, よく知っている人や同僚と, あまりフォーマルである必要はありません. この場合, 「Can you」または「Could I get you to」で質問をすることができます。これは誰かに何かをしてもらうためのシンプルで直接的な方法です.
The digital age has brought unprecedented access to information and new online services. And in exchange, people have proven very willing to provide personal information and to have their online activities monitored. But is it worth it? As Wired reports, more and more people are questioning this trade-off:
The US has found itself in the middle of a data privacy awakening, and you can credit the recent spate of headline-grabbing scandals as the kick-starter. Cambridge Analytica illicitly took the personal information of up to 87 million Facebook users and turned it into targeted political ads. And Equifax let slip the sensitive details of 148 million Americans because it couldn’t be bothered to patch a known vulnerability.