BEP 412 – テクノロジーに関するビジネス英語のイディオム (1)

BEP 412 - English Idioms about Technology (1)

今日のレッスンのためのビジネス英語ポッドへようこそ ビジネス英語イディオム に関連する 技術.

The world of tech has given rise to a host of new 単語 and terminology. Think about a phrase like “to reboot,” which originally referred to restarting a computer but is now commonly used to mean starting over in any context. Idioms like that highlight how mastering language goes beyond just grammar.

確かに, many language learners spend a lot of time trying to figure out the nuts and bolts of a language. By that I mean the grammar, writing system, sounds, and basic vocabulary of a language. The thing is, once we’ve got the nuts and bolts, it can feel like our progress stalls. Getting to the next level requires you to move beyond basic vocabulary and master expressions like idioms.

例えば, a second ago, I mentioned the “nuts and bolts” of language. Nuts and bolts are a way of connecting things made of metal. So why am I using those words when I talk about language? Because “nuts and bolts” is used as an idiom to refer to the basic parts or pieces of something. And with technology as such an important part of our lives, it’s no wonder we have so many English idioms related to technology.

このレッスンでは, we’ll listen to a conversation at an engineering company. The company is led by Maggie, アントニオ, and Finn. They’re talking about how the growth in their company requires upgrades to all their tech systems. 彼らの議論で, they use many idioms related to technology. これらのいくつかを見つけられるかどうかを確認してください, 後で報告で説明します.


1. Near the start of the meeting, what does Finn say he wants to avoid doing?
2. What does Maggie worry might happen if they don’t improve or “level up” their tech systems?
3. What does Antonio say the company did with Zoom not long ago?

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