BEP 36c – プレゼンテーション用英語: 質問と回答 (1)

BEP 36c LESSON - English for Presentations: Questions and Answers 1

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to deal with the question and answer session at the end of a 英語でのプレゼンテーション.

A presentation can be planned, 整頓された, scripted, and rehearsed. But that’s simply not possible with the questions you might get at the end of your presentation. 承知しました, you can try to anticipate what people might ask, but you never really know. They may refer to specific points in your presentation and challenge you on these points.

このために, you need the skills to handle whatever you’re faced with. And sometimes that means overcoming doubt or resistance to your ideas. You might have to use buffers to deal with tough questions and concede certain points to your audience. You may also find yourself clarifying a point and paraphrasing your audience’s questions.

このレッスンでは, we’ll listen to the Q&A following a presentation in English by Nick, 鉄鋼会社の営業部長. Bryan and Cindy are posing some difficult questions. ニック, and his boss Max, are using several techniques for dealing with these questions.


1. How does Nick respond at first when Bryan asks a tough question about the survey results?
2. Cindy begins to ask a question about retraining the salespeople. What does Nick say to clarify what he meant?
3. How does Nick deal with Cindy’s question about measuring success?

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