925英語レッスン 1: 英語で挨拶する方法

This is a preview lesson from 925 英語, 来年発売予定の新シリーズ. 適切に十分, we’re kicking off with a 925 英語レッスン on how to greet and say hello to colleagues and customers in English.

925English a new business English series for beginners (CEFR A1-A2) and lower intermediate (B1) 英語学習者. 925 英語のレッスンは、仕事やビジネスで使用できる言語のチャンクと英語の表現に焦点を当てています. We get straight to the point with lots of examples. We give you phrases you can say in different situations and advice on why and how to use them.

そう, it’s pretty easy to greet someone in English, そうじゃない? We can say “good morning” or “hello” or just “hi.” And we might add something like “my name is Tim Smith,” or a question like “how’s it going?” But what’s the difference? How do we choose which greeting to use? 良い, ビジネスで, like in life, it depends on the situation. That includes who we’re talking to and where we’re having the conversation. So let’s go through three situations and practice some appropriate ways of saying hello.

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