ビジネス英語ゲーム: 就職の面接ブートキャンプ

2つの新しい進捗状況を確認します ビジネス英語ゲーム の上 就職の面接 ビジネス英語ポッドから.


BEP 167 に 169 – あなたの最初の就職の面接

5 「ビジネス英語ゲーム」の感想: 就職の面接ブートキャンプ”

  1. Thank’s for this wonderful website I like to play the game’s It give me
    the Understanding on alot of thing’s that didn’t come to me before, nor
    have I had anyone to tell me or to educate me on Job Interview’s or how
    to dress to Impress. I was alway’s not knowing to to get jobs but my friend’s
    alway’s get them, But now that I have the opportunity to learn from your
    website I will be back here again and again and again, This Is Awsome.


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