ビジネスニュース 01 (成績証明書) – ビジネスコミュニケーション

これは、定期的なビジネス英語ニュース ポッドキャストの最初のトランスクリプトです。. 職場での人々のコミュニケーション方法と、コミュニケーションの行われ方に影響を与えるさまざまな要因について聞きます。.

まずは朗読を聞いて、分からない英単語をメモしておくことをお勧めします。. 次に、記事のコピーを読み、その単語の使われ方から単語の意味を推測できるかどうかを確認します。. ついに, 語彙の説明とディスカッションを聞いて、推測が正しかったかどうかを確認してください.

メンバー: PDFトランスクリプト

6 「ビジネスニュース」への思い 01 (成績証明書) – ビジネスコミュニケーション”

  1. こんにちは,

    When I was lerning for my english oral examination at the university of applied science in Zittau (east-Saxony in Germany), I found your website.

    Starting with the first News topic was not possible, becaus the link for the transcription was not correct you get the transcript for 4 but not for 1. Could you send me the transscript for number 1.

    Thanks for your help.
    Your site is very good to improve english skill.


  2. BusinessEnglishPod.com

    Hi Thomas

    Thanks for pointing out this mistake. Looks like I put the wrong file in the post.

    I’ve now corrected this and the transcript is the right one for Business News 1.

    Glad you find our podcast useful for your studies and best of luck with your exams.


  3. hello my name is Eduardo
    i have a question.
    I have an ipod and i’d like to download some articules about managment but i don’t where or how??
    is free? or do I have to pay for??

  4. I am trying to listen to this lesson but I seem to only have found the transcript. HOw can I find this file to listen to?

  5. i have been learning from this website quite long. it’s so useful to improve my E skill. Hoping that this web shall update more transcript more topic.



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