Pre-Int DEMO


This Pre-Intermediate Demo Course is a Free Trial for 7 (seven) members of «Armenia Telephone Company» CJSC control group”‹ ”‹tailored by ICLT in partnership with Business English Pod”‹.

The Demo Course will be available for 7 days”‹”‹,”‹ and will focus on the theme of “Key Communication Skills” for Pre-Intermediate Level Students. ”‹”‹It includes some (not all) components of the full course proposed to “Armenia Telephone Company” CJSC, ad esempio:
Audio Podcasts
– Trascrizioni PDF
– Moduli di lezione (multimedia Presentations)
Listening Quiz”‹zes”‹
Dialogue Transcript”‹s”‹
Language Quiz”‹zes
Vocabulary Quiz”‹zes
Glossary”‹ for each unit”‹

The free Demo does NOT include:
Student Progress Management
The one-to-one sessions with ICLT teachers
– 2 stage writing exercise reviews
Speaking input from students and further feedback

For more information about the course or with any questions regarding the module available contact your on-call coaches: or
Have fun!


Learn/review useful phrases for business meetings


Learn useful phrases to use in various types of presentations

Notizie di affari

Engage with current events to improve listening comprehension skills and improve vocabulary