Inglese di teleconferenza

BEP 143 – Meetings: English for Teleconferences (1)

BEP 143 – Incontri: Inglese per teleconferenze (1)

Impara l'inglese commerciale per le teleconferenze. In questa lezione, imparerai la lingua e il vocabolario associati alle teleconferenze in inglese. We'll also…

ottobre 17, 2009

BEP 43 – Meetings English: Gestire la discussione

This is the second in our two-part intermediate Business English Podcast lesson on opening and managing meetings in English. In…

aprile 15, 2007

BEP 42 – English for Meetings: Apertura di una riunione

In this Business English Podcast lesson you can learn English for opening and managing meetings.

aprile 11, 2007

BEP 32 – Incontri: Brainstorming & Discutere idee

In this Business English Podcast lesson we take another look at the language used to suggest and discuss ideas in…

Febbraio 3, 2007

BEP 24 – Teleconferenza: Usando la lingua diplomatica

In this Business English Podcast we're going to listen to a teleconference between the head office management of a US…

Dicembre 10, 2006