Bentornato Business Skills 360 per la seconda parte del nostro sguardo sulle competenze di rete. In questo episodio, we're going…
Bentornati a Competenze aziendali 360 - il podcast che guarda l'altro lato dell'inglese commerciale. Today's Business…
This is the second of a two-part Business English lesson on business networking. You'll learn language for steering a conversation…
Questo è il primo di una serie di Pod di inglese commerciale in due parti sul networking.
Nella maggior parte del mondo, pranzare o cenare insieme è una parte importante del fare affari. In places…
They say there's one rule of conversation that you should always follow in business - don't talk about politics, sex…
This Business English Podcast lesson looks at English for socializing you can use in more casual situations with your work…
This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson that follows some of the internal discussions that take…
This is the fourth in a series of business English podcasts that focus on travel English. In particolare, we'll cover…
This is the second in a two-part intermediate Business English Pod lesson on the basics of socializing and networking. Last…