BEP 92 – Inglese per le vendite: Caratteristiche, vantaggi, Benefici (o presentazione FAB)

Per la lezione del podcast di inglese commerciale di oggi, ci concentreremo su “vendite classiche” approccio alla vendita di prodotti e servizi. Questo approccio si basa sulla spiegazione delle caratteristiche, attributi e vantaggi dei tuoi prodotti utilizzando il “FAVOLOSO” tecnica.

La tecnica FAB è utile per le persone che lavorano nel settore manifatturiero e nel commercio al dettaglio – chiunque debba presentare prodotti. In particolare, vedremo come applicare questo approccio al business del merchandising. Merchandising è il nome commerciale delle aziende coinvolte nella progettazione e produzione di abbigliamento e articoli per la casa.

Nella finestra di dialogo, raggiungiamo Marco e Francesca nel loro viaggio verso una fiera di moda negli Stati Uniti. La loro compagnia, Viva, ha appena creato una nuova entusiasmante linea di vestiti. Con l'aiuto del loro partner americano, foxtrot, sperano di ottenere un paio di grossi contratti di vendita con gli Stati Uniti. grandi magazzini.

L'ascolto si svolge nello showroom Foxtrot. Ascolteremo Francesca parlare con un potenziale cliente, Conto, che è un acquirente per Bancroft, una catena di negozi al dettaglio che si rivolge a donne professioniste.

Domande sull'ascolto

1. Qual è la caratteristica principale dei colori autunnali di Viva quest’anno? Puoi nominare alcuni dei colori??
2. Perché la linea Viva Professional è più costosa?
3. Come descritto nella finestra di dialogo, quali sono i principali vantaggi della linea di abbigliamento Viva?

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BEP 85 – Inglese per le vendite: Presentazione informale del prodotto

In questo Business English Podcast, we’re going to look at the language of presenting your products and services to potential clients in informal situations.

Following on from our episode on hosting a site visit, we return to our friends at the railway tunnel. Stanley Wang is a site agent for a railway construction project in western China. He has just taken Matt and Paul, sales engineers from a small American company, on a tour of the tunnel. Ora, in the evening, Stanley and his boss Bill Zhang are hosting a dinner for Matt and Paula. The group is discussing possibilities for future cooperation.

In many countries and cultures around the world, informal occasionssuch as a friendly meal or a game of a golfare more important to the sales process than a formal presentation in the boardroom. And so in this episode, we’ll be studying language for presenting our products in such casual situations. In particolare, we’ll see how you can sell your products in relation to your customersneeds with a few soft-sell techniques.

Domande sull'ascolto

1) Were Matt and Paula able to go to the tunnel face, questo è, the end of the tunnel?
2) What is the main point of interest that Matt and Paula pursue in the discussion?
3) What are the advantages that Matt and Paula’s device have over traditional surveying methods?

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BEP 84 – Inglese per le vendite: Visita il sito

There are many different kinds of sites. We often speak of construction sites, a site where something is being builtsuch as buildings, roads, bridges, airports, e così via. But a site can also be a completed structure, like a factory or even sometimes an office. In a site visit, visitors come on site to have a look around. Someone in your company will usually play host and give them a tour. This is often part of the sales process: Sometimes it’s the visitors who are selling something to the host, and sometimes it’s other way around.

The language we’re going to study in this episode will be useful for anyone who needs to host visitors. No matter whether we are giving journalists a demonstration of a factory, or introducing potential customers to our work site, or giving government officials a tour of a construction project, we need to show people around and point out areas of interest.

Nell'ascolto, Stanley Wang works for China Western Railroad Construction Company. Stanley is the site agent – questo è, the person in charge of a construction sitefor a railway tunnel that is being built. Matt and Paulawho work for a small engineering company called TunnelTechare visiting potential customers in China. All'inizio della finestra di dialogo, Stanley is getting ready to take them into the tunnel for a look around.

Domande sull'ascolto:

1) What does Stanley point out in the tunnel? What language does he use to draw everyone’s attention to it?
2) What are the advantages of the machine that Stanley describes?
3) Stanley mentions two safety hazards. Quali sono?
4) What is the question that Paula asks Stanley about the hazards?

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BEP 65 – Inglese commerciale: Tecniche di interrogatorio (2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod lesson on questioning techniques. Last time in BEP 64 we looked at making small talk and gathering information with open questions, getting specific information with probing questions and guiding the conversation by showing interest.

This time we’ll learn several more advanced questioning techniques, including direct questions, to get information from someone who is being uncommunicative, reflective questions, to guide the conversation, and hypothetical questions, to suggest possible action. Together these techniques form a series that can be used to drill down to the information you need.

Come ricorderai, the listening takes place in a customer needs analysis: Brad, from chemical coatings producer Forrest and Brown, is visiting his customer Andy. Andy’s company, Stratos, puts together circuit boards for use in consumer electronics.

Alla fine di Parte 1 , Brad had just used a probing question to determine what exact kinds of products Andy’s company focuses on. When he discovered that Stratos was making a lot of boards for TVs, Brad decides to follow this line of questioning. As we’ll see, this is because TVs are a good match for Brad’s products.

The specific kind of TV they are talking about is an LCD TV, often referred to as a flat screen TV.

Domande sull'ascolto

1) LCD TVs produce a lot of heat. Why is this important to Brad’s sales pitch?
2) What are Andy’s main priorities in selecting conformal coatings to protect the circuit boards Stratos produces?
3) What are the main good points of the coating that Brad wishes to sell to Andy?

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BEP 64 – Inglese commerciale: Tecniche di interrogatorio (1)

Questions are an important part of almost every conversation. So being able to ask good questions is critical to communication. How can we make our questioning more effective and efficient? In this two-part Business English Podcast series we’ll be looking at some answers.

The communication skills we’ll be learning can be used in any situation, but we’ll be focusing in on an area where questioning techniques are particularly important: needs analysis. This refers to analyzing the needs of a customer as part of the sales process. We’ll study a series of questioning techniques that can be used todrill down to” – questo è, get to or uncoverthe information you want.

In today’s Business English listening Brad is a sales manager for Forrest and Brown, a producer of innovative industrial coatings and glues. Coating refers to a chemical that is applied to the outside of something to protect it. Per esempio, paint is a type of coating. Forrest and Brown producesconformal coatings”; this type of coating is used to protect printed circuit boards, or PCBs. PCBs are small flat boards covered with wiring and electronic parts. Almost all electronic devicesTVs, CD players, phoneshave them.

Today Brad is visiting Andy, who is a production manager for Stratos, an assembler of PCBs that are used in household items. We can say that Andy is Brad’sprospect” – the person he wants to sell to.

Let’s listen to how Brad asks Andy questions to analyze Stratos’ esigenze.

Domande sull'ascolto

1) What does Brad think of the Stratos facility?
2) How long has Stratos been located in its current location?
3) What kind of devices does Stratos produce circuit boards for?

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