In questa lezione di Business English Pod, we're going to look at language for negotiating a contract. As we'll be discussing…
Learn how to close a deal at a trade show.
Learn how to question a prospect and determine their needs.
Welcome back to Business English Pod for today's lesson on doing business at a trade show. If you can connect…
Bentornato al Business English Pod. My name's Atalie, and I'll be your host for today's lesson on working at…
Learn Business English for negotiating and discussing pricing with a vendor.
Impara l'inglese commerciale per incontrare i fornitori e analizzare i loro servizi e capacità.
Learn Business English for meeting with a vendor, o potenziale fornitore, and assessing their services and capabilities.
This is the second of a two-part Business English lesson on business networking. You'll learn language for steering a conversation…
Questo è il primo di una serie di Pod di inglese commerciale in due parti sul networking.