Impara l'inglese commerciale per fare un passo.
Learn business ENglish for presentations and how to talk about trends and make predictions.
In questo episodio del nostro e-book sulla presentazione in inglese, we'll look at how to describe the trends show by…
In questa lezione di inglese commerciale podcast, we're going to look at the "vendite classiche" approach to selling products and services…
In today's Business English Podcast, we explore the English for sales language for presenting your products and services to potential…
In questa lezione di inglese commerciale studieremo come parlare in modo naturale e come enfatizzare nelle tue presentazioni in inglese.
This is the first of three Business English Pod lessons on describing charts and trends from our new eBook -…
Dopo aver accertato la necessità, quindi descrivi i vantaggi futuri se la tua proposta viene accettata. This is the…
This is the second in a three-part Business English Pod series on presenting your ideas persuasively. In today's Business English…
In this three part Business English Pod series, we'll be studying Business English language and strategies for persuasion based on…