BEP 88 – Telefonare: Prenotazione di un biglietto di viaggio

La prenotazione dei biglietti al telefono è una parte fondamentale del viaggio d'affari. In questo Podcast di inglese commerciale intermedio, faremo pratica al telefono con frasi e linguaggio utili per organizzare il viaggio.

Viva è un produttore italiano di abbigliamento da donna’ abbigliamento, o vestiti. Marco e Francesca, Dipendenti Viva, sono in viaggio d'affari. Dopo aver visitato i clienti nel Regno Unito, ora si stanno dirigendo a Las Vegas negli Stati Uniti per incontrare il loro distributore americano – l'azienda che vende lì il proprio prodotto. Marco chiama un agente di viaggio per prenotare loro i biglietti.

Domande sull'ascolto

1) Quando vuole partire Marco e quando vuole tornare? Lui e Francesca voleranno in prima classe?, classe business o economica?
2) Marco lo chiede all'agente di viaggio “trattenere la tariffa” oppure lo paga immediatamente?
3) Marco deve ritirare i biglietti suoi e di Francesca presso l'ufficio dell'agente di viaggio??

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BEP 85 – Inglese per le vendite: Presentazione informale del prodotto

In questo Business English Podcast, we’re going to look at the language of presenting your products and services to potential clients in informal situations.

Following on from our episode on hosting a site visit, we return to our friends at the railway tunnel. Stanley Wang is a site agent for a railway construction project in western China. He has just taken Matt and Paul, sales engineers from a small American company, on a tour of the tunnel. Ora, in the evening, Stanley and his boss Bill Zhang are hosting a dinner for Matt and Paula. The group is discussing possibilities for future cooperation.

In many countries and cultures around the world, informal occasionssuch as a friendly meal or a game of a golfare more important to the sales process than a formal presentation in the boardroom. And so in this episode, we’ll be studying language for presenting our products in such casual situations. In particolare, we’ll see how you can sell your products in relation to your customersneeds with a few soft-sell techniques.

Domande sull'ascolto

1) Were Matt and Paula able to go to the tunnel face, questo è, the end of the tunnel?
2) What is the main point of interest that Matt and Paula pursue in the discussion?
3) What are the advantages that Matt and Paula’s device have over traditional surveying methods?

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BEP 84 – Inglese per le vendite: Visita il sito

There are many different kinds of sites. We often speak of construction sites, a site where something is being builtsuch as buildings, roads, bridges, airports, e così via. But a site can also be a completed structure, like a factory or even sometimes an office. In a site visit, visitors come on site to have a look around. Someone in your company will usually play host and give them a tour. This is often part of the sales process: Sometimes it’s the visitors who are selling something to the host, and sometimes it’s other way around.

The language we’re going to study in this episode will be useful for anyone who needs to host visitors. No matter whether we are giving journalists a demonstration of a factory, or introducing potential customers to our work site, or giving government officials a tour of a construction project, we need to show people around and point out areas of interest.

Nell'ascolto, Stanley Wang works for China Western Railroad Construction Company. Stanley is the site agent – questo è, the person in charge of a construction sitefor a railway tunnel that is being built. Matt and Paulawho work for a small engineering company called TunnelTechare visiting potential customers in China. All'inizio della finestra di dialogo, Stanley is getting ready to take them into the tunnel for a look around.

Domande sull'ascolto:

1) What does Stanley point out in the tunnel? What language does he use to draw everyone’s attention to it?
2) What are the advantages of the machine that Stanley describes?
3) Stanley mentions two safety hazards. Quali sono?
4) What is the question that Paula asks Stanley about the hazards?

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BEP 81 – Incontri: Conclusioni e punti di azione

This Business English Podcast is a preview of our new Audio / e-book for business English learners and teachers: Meeting Essentials

Meeting Essentials is a comprehensive study guide to the language and skills you need to participate effectively and confidently in business incontri in inglese. Learn on the go with over 4-hours of audio lessons, review key language and techniques with the detailed 100-page study guide, including a transcript of each podcast lesson, and practice useful phrases with the online activities.

It’s the end of a meeting, and everyone wants to go, but wait! We have one last thing to do: Action points. Questo significa: Tell everyone who is going to do what, and when. Having no clear action points is a number one reason meetings are unproductive.

Quindi in questo episodio, we’ll study language we can use to assign work to people, and also some English phrases to finish off the meeting.

We’ll be listening in to a group of bank managers discuss how to deal with credit risk problems before a major year-end report to top management. They have already discussed and decided what to do, and now they need to finish the meeting. Mentre ascolti, pay attention to how the boss, Lisa, gives action points to her team, questo è, reminds them of what they need to do.

Domande sull'ascolto:

1) When will Lisa’s team have their next round of meetings?
2) What duties does Lisa assign during the meeting, and to whom?

*** Questa lezione fa parte della nostra EBook in inglese commerciale per le riunioni: Meeting Essentials. Membri Premium clicca qui per scaricare l'eBook completo.

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BEP 80 – Viaggia inglese: Fare il check-in in un hotel

In questa lezione di inglese commerciale podcast, we will focus on phrases and vocabularyboth for checking in and for enquiring about hotel services whilst checking in.

Arriving at a hotel after a long, hard day of travel, you need to do one last thing before you can take a hot shower and relax in front of the TVyou need to check in. That means registering for the room by filling out any necessary forms and giving the hotel your credit card number.

Checking in to hotels is another important part of travel, whether it’s for business or for pleasure. This episode follows on from BEP 79 Viaggio: Reserving a Hotel Room, in which Sarah Johnson called to reserve a room at the Majestic Hotel in New York. Sarah has now arrived, and she is ready to begin her stay.

Nell'ascolto, Paul, at reception, helps Sarah register for the room. Pay attention to the language Sarah uses.

Domande sull'ascolto

1) When she reserved the room, Sarah asked for a dinner reservation. What is the name of the hotel’s restaurant? Which floor is it on?
2) What do guests need to bring with them to the fitness center?
3) How does Sarah pay for her room deposit?

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