BEP 23 – Telefonare: Gestire un cliente difficile

A new version of this lesson is available here: BEP 23c – Telephone English: Ottenere azione

In un recente podcast di inglese commerciale (BEP 22), abbiamo esaminato come affrontare i problemi tecnici quando si parla al telefono in inglese. Oggi, parleremo di come gestire i problemi con il chiamante, che sono ovviamente molto più difficili da gestire! Ma, con la lingua e le frasi corrette, puoi mostrare al chiamante che vuoi aiutare, e rassicurali sul fatto che puoi aiutare a risolvere il problema.

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BEP 22 – Telefonare: Gestione delle domande e problemi tecnici

A new version of this lesson is available here: BEP22c – Telefono inglese: Fare richieste

In this Business English Podcast lesson we continue our series on making telephone calls in English by looking at how to deal with technical problems and clarify information using alternative choice questions. This questioning technique is useful when you need to clarify important information or reach a decision.

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BEP 21 – Telefonare: Apertura di chiamate e ricezione di messaggi

A new version of this lesson is available here: BEP 21 UN – Competenze telefoniche: Avvio di una chiamata

This is an intermediate level Business English Podcast on making telephone calls in English. Some of the key language phrases we cover in this episode are: identificare te stesso e il chiamante, affermando lo scopo della chiamata e lasciando un messaggio.

These telephone calls are about a contract between a large aircraft company and one of its suppliers, also known as a subcontractor. The contracts department from the client is calling to ask about a proposal it is expecting from the supplier for a new contract. Il tempo è molto breve per ricevere tutte le proposte, e così lontano, la compagnia aerea non ha ricevuto nulla da questo fornitore.

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BEP 20 – Incontri: Supportare la tua posizione (Parte 3)

A new version of this lesson is available here: BEP 20c – Presenting a Cohesive Argument

In the final episode of our three-part series on supporting your position in meetings, we look at language used to make your statements more persuasive.

Jack is going to summarize his proposal for the move to Costa Rica and hopes to get a final recommendation on the outsourcing project to present to the Board. He must persuade the managers to proceed, and answer the objections raised at the last meeting.

Key language: Making coherent, argomenti persuasivi, and effective use of language to support your arguments.

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BEP 19 – Incontri: Supportare la tua posizione (Parte 2)

A new version of this lesson is available here: BEP 19c – Arguing For or Against a Position

Welcome to the second part of our Business English Pod series on how to support your position or argument in meetings.

Our friend Jack is giving an update on the Costa Rican project. Dan is against the idea, because as production manager, he doesn’t want to lose all his staff. The HR manager, Angie, also doesn’t want to lay off her US staff, and is worried about the difficulty of hiring workers in another country. Jack tries to defend his plan, but has difficulty supporting his argument.

Key Language: emphasizing, minimizing, supporting points & vocal stress.

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