Notizie di affari 11 – Lancio di iPhone

Nostro Applicazione di inglese commerciale for iPhone/iPad/Touch is now live in the App Store: Scarica

Oggi, were talking about Apple’s new mobile phone: the iPhone. Actually it’s a combination of phone, iPod and internet browser all rolled into one gadget. We’ll be looking at the hypeor massive publicitysurrounding the launch of the iPhone and taking a closer look at the marketing vocabulary we use to describe product launches and the retail market.

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Notizie di affari 10 – Viacom fa causa a YouTube per 1 Miliardi di dollari

Today we have a Business English News story on a company that’s been in the news quite a bit recentlyYouTube. In particolare, we refresh and discuss some of the key vocabulary we covered in our Video Vocab series on the law and legal vocabulary:

Video Vocab 04 – Basic Legal Terms
Video Vocab 05 – Casi giudiziari
Video Vocab 06 – Diritto commerciale

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Notizie di affari 09 (M4a migliorato) – Reebok lancia una campagna pubblicitaria

Questa è una versione migliorata del primo podcast intermedio di Business English News sulla nuova campagna di marketing di Reebok. Ora puoi visualizzare immagini e testo relativi all'articolo sul tuo computer o iPod video (dovresti anche essere in grado di vedere le immagini sulla maggior parte dei lettori video MP3 e dei telefoni).

Per scaricare una serie di appunti di studio per questo podcast, fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse’ su questo collegamento, seleziona la destinazione di salvataggio e quindi scegli in quale cartella del tuo computer salvare il file.

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Notizie di affari 09 – Reebok lancia una campagna pubblicitaria

Today we’re introducing our first Business English News podcast for intermediate listeners. This will now be a regular show with new episodes each month. Most of the time, we’ll cover a similar topic to the current Advanced Business News podcast but the articles and vocabulary will be simplified to make them more suitable for intermediate learners.

The topic today is marketing and, in particular, Reebok’s new advertising campaign and slogan.

Vocabolario chiave:
1. to launchto release a new product
2. Ad campaigna campaign is an organized series of activities and Ad is short for advertising.
3. to motivateto get people interested in something
4. take a swipe at somethingtake a hit at something or to make fun of something.
5. slogana short memorable phrase used to promote a product.
6. strategya plan or approach intended to achieve a major aim or goal.
7. competeto try and win a game or to gain an advantage over somebody.
8. competitorsother companies that Reebok is competing against.
9. purportedlyto claim to do or say something.
10. ties to something – connessioni.
11. celebrity endorsera famous person who publicly promotes a product.

This weekend we will also release an enhanced MP4 version of this podcast with text and pictures.

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Notizie di affari 08 – Celebrità che perdono l'appeal di marketing

Today we have a Business English News story on a recent study by several universities that looks into the ”˜selling poweror influenceof celebrities. Celebrity is another word for famous person, such as a movie or sports star.

The vocabulary we discuss in this podcast expands on the marketing terms we covered in Video Vocab 04.

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