BEP 62 – Persuasione 3: Soddisfazione, Visualizzazione e passaggi di azione

In the first two ESL lessons (BEP 59 & BEP 60) in this three-part series on persuasion, we saw how getting your audience’s attention e demonstrating a clear need were essential to the persuasive process. We learned that in the indirect method of persuasion you should demonstrate the problem before you offer a solution. This mirrors the psychological process of decision-making: First we feel a need, and then we look for a way to satisfy that need.

After you have established the need, you then describe the future benefits if your proposal is accepted. This is the visualization step: Talk about how accepting your proposal will have positive future outcomes or maybe how not accepting it will have negative outcomes. Finalmente, you need to make a concrete, specific call to actionwhat the audience can do right now to implement your proposal.

Let’s finish listening to Steve give his proposal to Swift management. See if you can identify the satisfaction, visualization and action steps in his speech.

Domande sull'ascolto

1. How long will it take Swift to get back the investment in air conditioning?
2. How much extra profit can Swift make per year by adopting Nick’s proposal?
3. What specific action does Steve ask his manager’s to take?

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BEP 61 – Idiomi sportivi americani in una riunione d'affari

Questo è il primo di una serie di Pod di pratica dell'inglese commerciale che esaminano ed estendono la lingua trattata nel podcast regolare. Le finestre di dialogo dei pod di esercitazione rivedranno il linguaggio chiave ma in situazioni diverse. Anche, ti danno più opportunità di mettere in pratica ciò che hai imparato.

Ascolteremo diversi idiomi da Idiomi sportivi 1 (BEP 57) e 2 (BEP 58) utilizzato in un nuovo contesto nel dialogo di oggi:

– per giocare a palla
– prendere tempo
– tenere/avere gli occhi sulla palla
– salire sul piatto

Vedremo come questi idiomi sono utili in un contesto diverso, un incontro d'affari. Dopo il dialogo, ascolteremo alcune ulteriori frasi di esempio e poi avremo la possibilità di esercitarci nell'uso di questi idiomi. Jen, Ken e Ryan di Ambient sono in una riunione di marketing per discutere della recente acquisizione di Telstar da parte di Accent.

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BEP 60 – Persuasione 2: Stabilire la necessità

Welcome to the second in this three-part Business English Pod series on presenting your ideas presuasively.

Last time we heard a bad example and a good example of persuasion. Then we covered the first step of the Monroe Sequence: We learned that to be persuasive, you first need to get the audience’s attention by establishing the relevance of the topic. We also talked about how it’s extremely important to relate your proposal directly to your audience’s needs.

In today’s show, we will be continuing on that theme by looking in detail at the second step in the Monroe Sequence, the need step. This is where you demonstrate to the audience that there is a serious problem with the current situation. This prepares them psychologically to accept your solution.

Let’s continue listening to the good example of persuasion that we started last time. Ricordare, Steve has just gotten his audience’s attention by pointing out the amount of money that Swift loses every year due to turnover. He has also posed a problem: How can we reverse the trend and turn the situation around?

Domande sull'ascolto

1. What’s the highest temperature in the welding room?
2. What does Steve present firstthe problem or the solution?
3. What kind of strategies does Steve use to paint a vivid picture of the need for his solution?

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BEP 59 – Persuasione 1: Ottenere attenzione

Do you ever need to persuade or convince someone of your point of view? Do you need to win support for a proposal, or get backing for a project? Of course you do. Persuasione – convincing someone of somethingis an essential part of almost everything we do, from informal discussions to formal negotiations. To be successful, you need to be persuasive. You need to get people to accept a different point view, to see things your way. How can you be more persuasive? In this three-part series, we’ll be giving you some answers.

Throughout the years, many talented speakers and researchers have been developing ways to persuade people effectively. One of the most widely used methods is Alan H. Monroe’s. In the mid-1930s, Monroe created a persuasive process called theMonroe sequencethat has become a standard in business, media and politics. Once you know it, you’ll recognize it everywherein speeches, statements, proposals, advertisements. It’s popular because it is logical and effective.

Così, over the next three Business English Pod episodes, we’ll be studying language and strategies for persuasion based on the Monroe Sequence.

The Monroe Sequence has five parts.
1) Get the audience’s attention
2) Establish a need
3) Satisfy that need
4) Visualize the future
5) Call for action

This lesson will focus on the first step, getting the audience’s attention.

The listening takes place at Swift, a bicycle manufacturer whose major market is the U.S. We’ll be listening to a good example and a bad example of persuasion. First let’s examine the bad example.

Domande sull'ascolto

Bad example
1. Whose needs does Franz focus on? Questo è, whose needs is he taking into consideration when he makes the proposal?
2. Why is Franz’s proposal so ineffective?

Good example
1) What does Steve do at the beginning of his presentation?
2) Whose needs does Steve focus onthe workersor the management’s?

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BEP 58 – Raffreddatore d'acqua Chitchat: Idiomi sportivi (2)

Idiomi sportivi 2, fa parte di una serie che si concentra su conversazioni informali o chiacchiere – chitchat del dispositivo di raffreddamento di acqua. Stiamo continuando da dove eravamo rimasti l'ultima volta BEP 57. Jan e Jen, dipendenti della principale società americana di telecomunicazioni Ambient, stanno chattando su un recente evento nel settore: Accento, una società di telecomunicazioni europea, ha rilevato TelStar, uno dei concorrenti americani di Ambient.

Ultima volta, Jen aveva appena discusso di come fosse sorpresa che TelStar avesse deciso di giocare a pallone, quello è cooperare, con Accent perché erano stati gli azionisti “stallo per tempo,” o ritardare, per mesi. Come risponde Jan??

Domande sull'ascolto

1) Chi è McConnel e cosa pensano Jan e Jen di lui?
2) Cosa dicono Jen e Jan sul futuro di Accent nel mercato americano?

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