Competenze 360 – Come sembrare credibile (Parte 2)

Competenze 360 Modulo di lezione - Come sembrare credibile 2

Bentornato al Competenze 360 for today’s lesson on how you can sound more credible or believable.

Nell'ultima lezione, we looked at what you should say to sound credible. In questa lezione, we’re going to take a look at what not to say. In altre parole, there are some things that can damage your credibility. These are habits or expressions that will make people trust you less, not more.

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Competenze 360 – Come sembrare credibile (Parte 1)

Competenze 360 Modulo di lezione - Come sembrare credibile 1

Bentornato al Competenze 360 for today’s lesson on how to sound credible, or believable.

It’s election year in the USA, and you’ve probably been hearing some pretty big talk from the candidates. One of the most glaring problems with so much of these candidatesstatements is that of credibility.

Sounding credible means that people can trust you, and trust what you say. And not just because you tell them to. Sounding credible also means people will respect you and believe you have the competence to get the job done. Così, how do you make people believe that? What exactly should you say to sound credible?

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Competenze 360 – Presentazioni: Connettiti con il tuo pubblico (2)

Presentazioni di inglese commerciale - Connettersi al tuo pubblico (2)

Bentornato al Competenze 360 per la lezione di oggi su come entrare in contatto con il tuo pubblico mentre stai effettivamente tenendo la tua presentazione.

È facile lasciare al caso la connessione con il pubblico. intendo, potresti pensare che fare una presentazione dovrebbe significare trasmettere un messaggio piuttosto che "connettersi" con il tuo pubblico. Ma te lo assicuro, qualunque sia il tuo messaggio, lo riuscirai con molto maggiore successo se hai una buona connessione con il tuo pubblico. E quella connessione non è un evento casuale. Devi lavorarci sopra.

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Competenze 360 – Presentazioni: Connettiti con il tuo pubblico (1)

Business English for Connecting your Presentation to your Audience 1

Bentornato al Competenze 360 for today’s lesson on how to connect with your audience during a presentation.

You’ve probably heard all sorts of advice about delivering a good presentazione. But at the end of the day, every single presentation strategy is designed for one thing: connecting with the audience. Infatti, if you don’t connect with your audience, you might as well pack up your PowerPoint and head home. You need to build a bridge to send your message across. No bridge, no message. And don’t think you need to be an easy-going extrovert to connect with an audience. This is something that you can learn to do well.

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Competenze 360 – Come influenzare le persone (2)

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Business English for Influencing People 2

Bentornato al Competenze 360 for today’s lesson on language and techniques for influencing people.

The power to influence can allow you to do many wonderful things, such as lead people, change their minds, motivate them to action, and negotiate successfully. These are abilities that can help you in life and in business. Ora, it might seem like some people naturally have more influence than others, but that’s not always the case. Many powerful people have learned how to influence people using specific techniques.

Nel nostro l'ultima lezione, we had a look at what you should talk about and how you should talk about it. Oggi, I want to take a closer look at some language techniques that can open the door to greater influence. And these techniques all help build rapport or trust with the person you’re talking to.

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