
BEP 88 – Telefonare: Prenotazione di un biglietto di viaggio

In this intermediate Business English lesson, we will practice useful vocabulary and language for making airplane and hotel arrangements on…

Marzo 8, 2008

BEP 72 – Telefonare: Messaggi Voicemail

In questa lezione di inglese commerciale, impareremo frasi e lingua utili per lasciare un messaggio vocale.

novembre 10, 2007

BEP 67 – Socializing with Colleagues at Work

This is the fourth in a series of business English podcasts that focus on travel English. In particolare, we'll cover…

settembre 22, 2007

BEP 56 – Business Travel 2: Dogane e immigrazione

Continuing our series on business travel, ci riuniamo ad Alan e Honesto nel loro viaggio d'affari negli Stati Uniti. in today's…

Giugno 30, 2007

BEP 55 – Business Travel: Partenza e decollo dall'aeroporto

This Business English Podcast lesson is the first in a series of shows that will follow an employee of a…

Giugno 29, 2007

BEP 50 – Softening Negative Replies (Parte 2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on softening negative replies. Last time you worked on…

Maggio 26, 2007

BEP 49 – Softening Negative Replies (Parte 1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on softening negative replies - saying “no” politely.

Maggio 23, 2007

BEP 45 – Socializzare: Tenere viva una conversazione

This is the second in a two-part intermediate Business English Pod lesson on the basics of socializing and networking. Last…

aprile 28, 2007

BEP 44 – Socializzare: Attaccare una conversazione

Today's Business English Pod lesson is the first in a two-part series on the basics of social English: starting a…

aprile 24, 2007

BEP 39 – Reporting in English: Aggiornamento del progetto

In this intermediate Business English lesson you'll practice reporting on progress.

Marzo 17, 2007