Lezioni di podcast di inglese commerciale

Questo è un elenco completo di tutte le lezioni di inglese commerciale pubblicate su Pod di inglese commerciale da 2006 presentare, a partire dalle lezioni più recenti.

Imparare inglese commerciale con oltre 600 lezioni di inglese commerciale su tutto, dalle riunioni, presentazioni, trattative e interviste alla scrittura aziendale, grammatica e vocabolario. Ogni lezione include una trascrizione PDF completa, completo di dialoghi, spiegazioni degli insegnanti, Accesso membri per il nostro Android, e sezioni di pratica orale. Cerca le parole chiave e gli idiomi nel glossario ed esercitati nella lingua di destinazione nella sezione di ripasso. I nostri moduli di lezione ottimizzati per dispositivi mobili combinano audio e trascrizioni per un'esperienza di apprendimento coinvolgente, perfetto per imparare l'inglese commerciale online sia su desktop che su dispositivi mobili. Inoltre, ogni lezione è accompagnata da quiz pratici per rafforzare il tuo ascolto, linguaggio, e abilità di vocabolario.

Utilizza i pulsanti di navigazione della pagina qui sotto per sfogliare tutte le nostre lezioni.

81 pensieri su “Lezioni di podcast di inglese commerciale”

  1. Thanks very much for the information. I´d like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the great material you make available; it is really interesting and useful.
    I hope you release more free material to all users in the near future.

    Continua così!



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  3. You have no idead how Im interested in this podcast!
    All lessons are GREAT!
    Ive been looking for it more than a month, and finally I got what I wanted.

    Thanks Business English Pod

  4. Mai Thi Kim Giang

    I am very interested with this website.
    It is verry helful to me.
    If I want to have the script after listioning each BEP, what do I have to do to get it? Could you Please tell me the way to download the scripts?
    Thank you verry much,
    Thank businessenglishpod

  5. Dear Administrator,

    Thank you very much for your continuos effort to help us.
    It seem your website is better than it before.
    New design make me can see all the lessons.
    Grazie mille!

  6. Pingback: ECC | 網站介紹–Pod di inglese commerciale

  7. Pingback: BUSINESS ENGLISH GRATIS ONLINE « Communication Village :: Blog

  8. The web is really useful for me and all people studying English. The quality of podcast is good and I hope there will be more useful and interesting lessons. Grazie! :)

  9. i really much appreciating such an opportunity to write to my favorite podcast which truly beneficient for me in both ways ( english & Attività commerciale ) but iam inquiring about why the above materials r not included entirely in my i tunes where i get know of your valuable site .

  10. @Jack
    Thanks for letting us know. Working on a solution (there is already a China RSS feed but this is also redirecting to Feedburner). Hope to have a fix before the end of the year. No ‘river crabis going to stop BEP and our China buddies ;)

  11. Ciao (Libya)
    Can you please publish any course about Material Management ( warehouse-stock control-purchasing-classification)
    finally thanks a lot i have improve my english language and my management knowledge and skill
    Best Regads

  12. @Suliman,
    Materials management might be a bit too specialized for our audience, but we plan to cover the related topic of logistics in a future Video Vocab series.

  13. Ciao,
    How can I download the podcast, so I can burn a CD and listen in my car?


  14. @Thiago, Basta fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse’ IL download link below the audio player to download the file. And then add the downloaded MP3s to your preferred MP3 player and burn a CD.

  15. Wow I’ve been looking and waiting for this a quite sometime. The topics are good and i know i will learn so much for this. Thank you so much and happy new year business English pod.

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  19. Business English Pod is the best website for those who want to be good at English in Multinational company. During the past two years, I enjoy a lot learning English with BEP.
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  23. Ottimo lavoro, podcast di inglese commerciale. I am a member already. It is worth it to sign up.this podcast always has some stuff that I need.

  24. all the lesson was great
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    very helpful for our colleage too

  25. thaks very much for the information. all the lessons and materials are very well done. the quality of podcast is good. and i wish will keep provide maintain the activities of the lesson and all.

  26. this website is really help me out! thanks a lot because now i can practice my English skills especially on idioms . i love it so

  27. Thanks a lot for your great podcast.
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