VV 43 – Inglese per il vocabolario delle risorse umane (1)

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In questo Video Vocab lezione, guardiamo a English for human resources, o risorse umane. Le persone che lavorano nelle risorse umane pensano al personale di un'azienda e al modo di reclutare nuovi dipendenti o di cacciare persone di altre società. Esamineremo idee come la descrizione del lavoro, così come compensi e benefici, e in che modo differiscono dagli incentivi.

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Corso di inglese commerciale – Lezione 1: Dare opinioni in inglese

Questa è un'anteprima di una delle lezioni della nostra Corso di inglese commerciale:

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La lezione esamina la lingua per chiedere e dare opinioni in inglese sia in situazioni aziendali formali che informali. Puoi dare un'occhiata alla lezione originale qui: BEP 27 – Dare opinioni in inglese

IL Corso di kickstart in inglese commerciale copre il 3 principali competenze in inglese commerciale delle riunioni, presentazioni e parlare al telefono con 20 lezioni appropriate per persone che parlano inglese intermedio. Il corso è disponibile sulla piattaforma Udemy che fornisce accesso desktop e mobile.

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BEP 269 – Negoziati strategici 6: Consolidare il partenariato

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on successfully completing a strategic negotiation.

Negotiating a strategic partnership can take a lot of time and energy. And if you succeed, you need to cement that new partnership and make sure it gets off a good start. So whether you kick off your new arrangement with a party, a ceremony, or a meeting, you need to acknowledge the people and all the hard work that went into building the relationship.

So what might you do to cement a partnership? BENE, today we’ll learn how to show enthusiasm for a new partnership and how to compliment a new partner. We’ll also look at how to emphasize both opportunities and expectations. E infine, we’ll learn how to make a toast.

Nella finestra di dialogo, we’ll hear representatives of two companies at a reception to start off a new partnership. Representing the auto parts company called Sigma is Mike, the lead negotiator on the new partnership, and Grant, a company executive. We’ll also hear Lisa, who represents NVP, the Japanese distributor that has just partnered with Sigma to sell auto parts in India.

Domande sull'ascolto

1. How does Lisa compliment Sigma? What is she impressed by?
2. What does Lisa expect in order for all the hard work to pay off?
3. Alla fine della finestra di dialogo, Grant makes a toast. What does he make a toast to?

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BEP 268 – Negoziati strategici 5: Recuperarsi dalle battute d'arresto

Bentornato a Pod di inglese commerciale for today’s lesson on how to overcome a setback during a strategic negotiation.

In a negotiation, things don’t always work out the way we hope. Sometimes we face obstacles that just can’t be overcome. In questa situazione, you’re faced with a choicedo you walk away, or do you think outside the box and try to save the relationship? After all in a strategic negotiation, it’s the relationship you build between the parties that is really important.

In this back and forth of overcoming obstacles, there are several techniques you can use. We’ll learn how to present a problem and how to introduce a different opportunity. We’ll also look at giving evidence for a proposition and narrowing the focus of the proposition. And finally we’ll cover how to request more time to think about things.

Nella finestra di dialogo, we will hear Mike, who works for an auto parts company called Sigma. Mike is talking with Lisa, the lead negotiator for NVP, un distributore giapponese. Sigma and NVP were trying to negotiate a partnership to distribute Sigma’s products in east Asia. The key to that deal was Sigma getting out of an existing arrangement with a Chinese distributor called Wuhan Auto. Today we’ll hear Mike and Lisa try to overcome that obstacle.

Domande sull'ascolto

1. What new opportunity does Mike present to Lisa?
2. What evidence from the World Bank does Mike use to back up his idea?
3. Mike narrows the focus of his idea. What product market does he propose partnering in?

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