BEP 324 – English for Discussing Company Performance (2)

BEP 324 LESSON - Business English Collocations for Describing Company Performance 2

Bentornato a Pod di inglese commerciale per oggi Vocabolario inglese commerciale lezione su come descrivere la performance aziendale.

L'obiettivo di ogni azienda è realizzare un profitto. But how they go about that is different. Different industries, different business models, different approaches – There’s no simple recipe for success. And there’s no simple, single way to measure whether a company is performing well.

Anziché, we look at many different factors when we measure company performance. We’ve also got a lot of different expressions in English for discussing the topic. And many of these English expressions are what we call “collocations.”

What’s a collocation? BENE, it’s just a natural combination of words. Ever heard the expressions “turn a profit” or “boost the bottom line?” We don’t say “grow a profit” or “up the bottom line.” Those simply aren’t natural collocations. And if you say something like that, you won’t sound natural.

So studying collocations is a great way to sound more natural with your vocabulary. You can learn combinations of words, rather than single words on their own. As you listen to the dialog today, prova a scegliere alcune di queste collocazioni, e ne parleremo più avanti nel debriefing.

Nella finestra di dialogo, we’ll rejoin a meeting at a private equity firm. Three colleagues, Maria, Claudia, e Taylor, stanno parlando di alcune delle società in cui hanno investito. Useranno molte ottime collocazioni mentre discutono delle prestazioni di queste società.

Domande sull'ascolto

1. Cosa pensa Claudia di SmartMoney?
2. Cosa pensa Taylor che dovrebbero fare prima di svendere SmartMoney?
3. Su cosa si è concentrata Claudia con Byron Industries?

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