BEP 319 – Idiomi inglesi per esprimere gradi di certezza (1)

BEP 319 - Business English Idioms for Expressing Degrees of Certainty (1)

Bentornato al Business English Pod per la lezione di oggi su Modi di dire inglesi for expressing degrees of certainty.

There’s an old saying in English thatnothing is certain except death and taxes.The idea behind that expression is that we can’t really be sure of anything. Ovviamente, that doesn’t stop us from talking about what might happen or will probably happen or what is unlikely to happen.

This kind of discussion is all about degrees of certainty. In altre parole: how sure you are about something. It’s important to know, or at least to guess, how certain something is. How else can you plan? How else can you decide the right course of action? And just like other common topics of discussion, English has many idioms for expressing certainty. Nella lezione di oggi, we’re going to look at some of these expressions.

We’ll hear a conversation between Maria, Tom, and Gavin, who work for a company that makes mobile apps for children. The three colleagues are talking about several new ideas being considered in the company. Più specificamente, they’re discussing how certain they are about the potential for each app.

Domande sull'ascolto

1. What does Maria think about the app called Waffle Bunnies?
2. Which app does Maria think they can successfully market and sell?
3. What expression does Tom use to show how certain he is that the music-making app will be a success?

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