Libro elettronico rivisto per riunioni d'affari in inglese

EBook sull'inglese commerciale per riunioniQuesta è un'anteprima del nostro eBook rivisto per riunioni di lavoro: Meeting Essentials for Business English.

E-Books di inglese commerciale ti consentono di imparare in movimento con lezioni audio MP3 e guide dettagliate per lo studio in PDF, inclusa una trascrizione completa di ogni lezione. Le edizioni riviste includono over 100 quiz Flash online, esercizi e flashcard progettati per aiutarti a praticare e utilizzare tutta la lingua trattata nel corso.

Fare clic sul pulsante di avvio in basso per avviare i quiz online per Unit 210 – Gestire la discussione:


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2 thoughts on “Revised e-Book for Business Meetings in English

  1. The content and practice of online quizzes looks good. Can I expect online practice will be available for all other topics in similar format with same quailty, after I registered as premium member?

  2. @ Samuel
    We have online activities for every podcast from BEP 27 onwards. Activities for some of the older podcasts are in HTML format but most of the essential topics (incontri, negoziati, interviste, and soon presentations) have been republished in the new Flash format as used for BEP 120. After we finish with presentations (likely in early August), we’ll continue with travel and telephoning, and then the more specialized topics such as sales and persuasion. At the moment we have approximately 500 quizzes in the new Flash format and 800 quizzes in HTML. Members have access to both types of quiz.

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