BEP 163 – Football et idiomes du football (Partie 1)

Cette leçon Pod d'anglais des affaires est la première d'une série en deux parties sur les idiomes issus du football., ou football.

C'est bientôt l'heure de la Coupe du monde! Et pendant que nous attendons le coup d'envoi des jeux, voici une question pour vous: Vous êtes-vous déjà arrêté pour réfléchir au nombre de similitudes entre les affaires et le sport?

Des groupes d'employés travaillent ensemble en équipes. Équipes, ou entreprises, rivaliser, essayer de gagner la reconnaissance, bénéfices, ou de nouveaux clients. Compte tenu de ces similitudes, il n’est pas surprenant que le langage soit similaire lorsque nous parlons d’affaires et de sports. Et un certain nombre de sports différents ont contribué aux idiomes de la langue anglaise.

Aujourd'hui, nous nous concentrerons sur les idiomes du football. Pendant que vous écoutez la boîte de dialogue, vous pourriez entendre des phrases qui vous sont inconnues. Se souvenir de la relation entre les affaires et le sport peut vous aider. Bien sûr, nous les passerons tous en revue lors du débriefing et vous aurez l'occasion de les pratiquer, aussi.

Nous écouterons Karl et Marilyn, deux amis qui travaillent dans une maison d'édition. Karl envisage de postuler pour un poste de manager sur le site de l'entreprise à Sydney.. Il n'en est pas sûr, cependant, alors il demande à Marilyn ce qu'elle en pense.

Questions d'écoute

1. Pourquoi Karl veut-il quitter son emploi actuel?
2. Quelles sont les deux choses que Marilyn sait à propos de la succursale de Sydney ??
3. Qu'est-ce que Karl a entendu à propos de la succursale de Sydney?

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BEP 146 – Idiomes de l'argent (Partie 2)

Ceci est le deuxième d'une double partie Business English Pod series on idioms related to money.

Many of our day-to-day business transactions involve money, so it’s common to hear money idioms used frequently in business discussions. We use them to talk about handling money and to describe situations with lots of money or no money at all. But we also use them to talk about situations that have nothing to do with moneysuch as evaluating ideas or speculating on their impact.

Dans le dernier épisode, we met Kevin and Leah, two employees at a cosmetics company. They’re planning a promotional campaign on a small budget. So they’re brainstorming ideas that will spark customer interest at a reasonable cost.

Maintenant, they’re thinking of ways to show that their company’s cosmetics line is good value for money-conscious consumers.

Questions d'écoute

1. What idea does Kevin suggest at the beginning of the dialog?
2. What are two things the company will have to do if it accepts Kevin’s idea?
3. What are Leah’s concerns about the idea?

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BEP 145 – Idiomes de l'argent (Partie 1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on idioms related to money.

It’s difficult to imagine business without money. Après tout, making money is the main goal of many businesses. Profits often determine a company’s success. And companies must spend money, and budget carefully, to reach their business goals. Donc, it’s not surprising money idioms are featured regularly in business conversations.

We’ll be covering many of these idioms today. Take note of them as you hear the dialog, but don’t worry if you don’t understand them the first time around. They’ll all be explained in the debrief and you’ll have a chance to practice them at the end.

We’ll be listening to Kevin and Leah, two colleagues at a mid-sized cosmetics company. Cosmetics is the industry name for make-upproducts used to enhance a person’s appearance, such as mascara or eye shadow. They are discussing promotional plans for the coming year while working on a tight budget, so there isn’t much money to spend. Kevin and Leah don’t agree on the best way to spend the money and must find a compromise.

Questions d'écoute

1. What promotional plan does Kevin suggest?
2. Does Leah agree with this idea? Pourquoi ou pourquoi pas?
3. What does Kevin think the company needs to show?

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BEP 139 – Idiomes de la voile: Performance d'entreprise (2)

This is second of a two-part Business English Pod series on business idioms related to the sea, navires, and sailing.

You’ll often hear sailing idioms used in business discussions. A company is compared to a ship and employees are the ship’s crew.

Dans le dernier épisode, two colleagues named Lakisha and Warren were talking about the decline of Trussock’s, an engineering firm. They felt that Trussock’s problems were caused by the new CEO’s poor management. It seemed he had no concrete business plan and employees were confused and very unhappy. Aujourd'hui, Lakisha and Warren discuss ways that Trussock’s could become a viable, or successful, company again.

Questions d'écoute

1) What does Lakisha think should happen with Trussock’s management?
2) How might Trussock’s employees help the company’s situation?

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BEP 138 – Idiomes de la voile: Performance d'entreprise (1)

Dans cet épisode de l'anglais des affaires, we’re going to look at how idiomes commerciaux related to ships and sailing can be used to describe company performance.

The image of a ship is a powerful one in business. The ship is like a companya huge entity that must be steered toward success, maintained properly, and carefully guided away from dangers like storms and rocks. Employees are often seen as a crew of sailors, a group that must work together as a team. So sailing idioms frequently appear when we discuss business in English.

Today’s episode starts a two-part series on sailing idioms. Lakisha and Warren are two colleagues discussing the decline of Trussock’s, an engineering firm that has been faltering since a new CEO took over.

Questions d'écoute

1) What are the major differences between Trussock’s old CEO and the new CEO?
2) What do Lakisha and Warren think will help change the situation at Trussock’s?

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