Les cours Pod d'anglais des affaires conviennent à tous les niveaux d'anglais des affaires.. Les cours portent sur toutes sortes de compétences en anglais sur le lieu de travail pour les réunions., présentations, téléphoner, négociation, entretiens d'embauche, voyage, et conversation d'affaires.
Learn project management English in this lesson on reporting on progress of a project.
Learn how discuss different aspects of integrating the operations of two companies.
Learn how to discuss the integration of two companies during a merger.
Practice your business English vocabulary for HR in our Pumpkin Challenge game.
Learn vocabulary related to HR and recent trends in hiring practices.
Learn English for presentations and how to answer questions at the end of a presentation.
Learn how to deal with the question and answer session at the end of a presentation.
Learn how to solve problems using a 5-step approach.
Learn essential problem-solving skills.
Learn business English vocabulary for discussing robotics and tech.