Compétences 360 – 9 Hacks pour améliorer votre anglais des affaires (1)

Compétences 360 - 9 Hacks pour améliorer votre anglais des affaires 1

Bienvenue à nouveau au Compétences 360 for today’s lesson on some quick and easy hacks you can use to improve your Anglais des affaires.

Les affaires sont une question de relations, and relationships are founded on good communication. And while English may seem like a difficult language, being a great communicator and connecting with people isn’t rocket science. You can learn just a few techniques that will take your business English skills to the next level. And I’m not talking about learning a thousand new words or some obscure rules of grammar. The tips I want to give you are fully within your grasp right now.

Free Resources: Lesson Module | Quiz | PDF Transcript

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