Compétences 360 – Conseils pour votre premier entretien d’embauche: Questions difficiles

Bon retour à Compétences professionnelles 360 – le podcast qui examine l'autre côté de l'anglais des affaires.

Ceci est la quatrième et dernière partie de notre 360 série sur votre premier entretien d'embauche. Aujourd'hui, nous allons aborder quelques-unes de ces questions très difficiles que les intervieweurs aiment poser..

Se préparer. C'est la clé. Vous devez passer du temps à préparer votre entretien et à élaborer de bonnes réponses aux questions auxquelles vous allez être confronté.. Je vais passer en revue cinq questions difficiles courantes aujourd'hui et vous pourrez préparer vos réponses..

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10 réflexions sur « Compétences 360 – Conseils pour votre premier entretien d’embauche: Questions difficiles”

  1. Tim, thanks for the tips. last time I was asked the question ”parlez-moi de vous” I didn’t realize what the interviewer meant to say and I got surprised why would he like to know about my personal life? I was like divided whether to talk about myself or let him discover the of person Iam. But now it is clearer that he wanted to know my plans whithin the company if I was hired.


  2. Hi everyone ! i am sorry to bother you, can i ask you for a favor. I’m a Vietnamese student. I’m practicing English listening, but there are a lot of words i dont knowThanks very much!

  3. Bonjour

    i want to pull out the pdf of this lesson

    how can i do that

    there is no bottom refer to it ?

    can somebody help me

  4. You got it right! preparation is the key to every job interview and I can prove that based on my experience. Well I was kind of surprise when the interviewee asked me question that I didn’t expect that would come up, Heureusement, I was able to think about something and I don’t know if that answer is correct. I guess I wasn’t good enough for that position because I haven’t got the job. But I still don’t lose hope and I would definitely follow your tips and to look on back on my mistakes from my previous job interview. Continuez comme ça!

  5. Thank you so much for the informationThis really helps me in my interview todayI take note all the tips that you given and it really helps me in my job interview today..And I am happy to announce that i am hired!!

  6. Congratulations Dawson! It’s really awesome to hear you got the job and BEP helped you along the way.

  7. Very nice and interesting approach. Very helpful and useful tips, it made business easy and make my english study fun. Thanks very much for the wonderful podcast

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