Nextiva Lessons

Suggested lessons for Nextiva support staff covering more advanced telephone phone skills, socializing with customers, idioms and communication skills.

INTERMEDIATE MODULE 9: Module Description

In this trial module, we’ll focus on Negotiation Skills. This is where you practice your Reading, Escuchando, Vocabulario, and Comprehension skills.

HOW TO MAKE THE MOST out of the module!

1. RECEPTIVE SKILLS: See the 4 lessons below.
Take your time with the first two (the other two optional), focusing on Study Notes, Practica en linea, Phrase Cast or Language Practice, Vocabulary and Mobile Quizzes. It is recommended that you go over the listening material several times. To add extra challenge you are advised not to read the transcript during the first round. Take notes and pause the tracks as you see fit.

2. PRODUCTIVE SKILLS: Extra Challenge
These Writing and Speaking Challenges need to be completed after the RECEPTIVE SKILLS Lessons and submitted in form of attachments to for individualized assessment. While these activities are not mandatory for course completion, they can help you a lot to develop your productive skills.


The success of any work depends not only on the ability to find good ideas, but on the skills for developing, managing and presenting those ideas to others. To what extent are you an idea-generator and to which degree are you an idea-developer and presenter?

Write your ideas in form of an essay or a free composition (around 150 – 200 palabras).
Use around 10 words/phrases/language points from Demo Module in your writing. Highlight the usage.


En 2 minutos, describe an event in your life when you successfully negotiated a deal (personal, professional, academic, any context of your choice). Give details about:
What did you have to negotiate for (against)?
When/where/who with?
What made the negotiation successful for you?
Why did you choose to negotiate for this?

As you speak, record your speech and send it as an attachment together with your writing.

Pre-Int DEMO


This Pre-Intermediate Demo Course is a Free Trial for 7 (Siete) members of «Armenia Telephone Company» CJSC control group”‹ ”‹tailored by ICLT in partnership with Business English Pod”‹.

The Demo Course will be available for 7 days”‹”‹,”‹ and will focus on the theme of “Key Communication Skills” for Pre-Intermediate Level Students. ”‹”‹It includes some (not all) components of the full course proposed to “Armenia Telephone Company” CJSC, como:
Audio Podcasts
– Transcripciones en PDF
– Módulos de lecciones (multimedia Presentations)
Listening Quiz”‹zes”‹
Dialogue Transcript”‹s”‹
Language Quiz”‹zes
Vocabulary Quiz”‹zes
Glossary”‹ for each unit”‹

The free Demo does NOT include:
Student Progress Management
The one-to-one sessions with ICLT teachers
– 2 stage writing exercise reviews
Speaking input from students and further feedback

For more information about the course or with any questions regarding the module available contact your on-call coaches: or
Have fun!