BEP 139 – Modismos de navegación: Desempeño de la compañía (2)

This is second of a two-part Business English Pod series on business idioms related to the sea, buques, and sailing.

You’ll often hear sailing idioms used in business discussions. A company is compared to a ship and employees are the ship’s crew.

En el ultimo episodio, two colleagues named Lakisha and Warren were talking about the decline of Trussock’s, an engineering firm. They felt that Trussock’s problems were caused by the new CEO’s poor management. It seemed he had no concrete business plan and employees were confused and very unhappy. Hoy, Lakisha and Warren discuss ways that Trussock’s could become a viable, or successful, company again.

Preguntas de escucha

1) What does Lakisha think should happen with Trussock’s management?
2) How might Trussock’s employees help the company’s situation?

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BEP 138 – Modismos de navegación: Desempeño de la compañía (1)

En este episodio de Business English Pod, we’re going to look at how modismos comerciales related to ships and sailing can be used to describe company performance.

The image of a ship is a powerful one in business. The ship is like a companya huge entity that must be steered toward success, maintained properly, and carefully guided away from dangers like storms and rocks. Employees are often seen as a crew of sailors, a group that must work together as a team. So sailing idioms frequently appear when we discuss business in English.

Today’s episode starts a two-part series on sailing idioms. Lakisha and Warren are two colleagues discussing the decline of Trussock’s, an engineering firm that has been faltering since a new CEO took over.

Preguntas de escucha

1) What are the major differences between Trussock’s old CEO and the new CEO?
2) What do Lakisha and Warren think will help change the situation at Trussock’s?

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V.V. 15 – Inglés financiero: Quiebra de GM

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Para la lección final en nuestras dos partes vocabulario de inglés comercial serie en vocabulario de inglés financiero relacionado con la quiebra, vamos a ver el inminente Capítulo de General Motor 11 presentación. Una declaración de bancarrota presentada por GM se ubicaría como la tercera bancarrota más grande en EE. UU.. historia.

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V.V. 14 – Inglés financiero: Vocabulario de quiebras

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Hoy, estamos comenzando una de dos partes Vocabulario en vídeo serie en Vocabulario de inglés comercial relacionado con la quiebra. Esta lección se enfocará en inglés financiero vocabulario relacionado con los dos tipos más comunes de quiebras en EE. UU.. ley: Capítulo 11 y capítulo 7.

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V.V. 13 – Crisis financiera y colapso económico mundial

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Las noticias de hoy están llenas de historias sobre la crisis financiera y la recesión.. Los complejos problemas detrás de esta crisis han dado lugar a un vocabulario completamente nuevo.. Entonces, hoy vamos a explorar el idioma que has estado escuchando todos los días en las noticias.

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