Inglés intermedio

BEP 135 – Travel English: Seguridad de aeropuerto

In this Business English podcast we look at travel English for dealing with an airport security check.

Junio 21, 2009

BEP 134 – Travel English: Conectarse en línea en la cafetería

In this business English lesson we look at travel English for going to a coffee shop and getting online.

Junio 13, 2009

BEP 127 – English Meetings: Discutir un problema (2)

Learn Business English for discussing and solving problems in meetings.

Marzo 8, 2009

BEP 125 – Travel English: Alquilar un coche

Learn English for travel and language for renting a car.

Enero 10, 2009

BEP 124 – Travel English: Salida de un hotel

Learn English for travel and language for checking out of a hotel in English.

Enero 3, 2009