BEP 53 – Servicio al Cliente: Tramitación de las reclamaciones 1: empatizar

Un buen servicio al cliente es esencial para el éxito en cualquier industria, pero es particularmente importante en el sector de servicios y hostelería.. “Hospitalidad” significa tratar bien a los invitados; y aquí, Estamos hablando específicamente de hoteles.. Porque el servicio es tan vital para la hospitalidad, Los hoteles son un buen lugar para buscar excelentes prácticas de servicio..

Así que hoy escucharemos la llamada telefónica de un cliente enojado en Majestic., un hotel de cinco estrellas en Shanghai. Escuchando un mal ejemplo y un buen ejemplo de práctica de servicio., Estudiaremos habilidades que son útiles en cualquier industria., No importa si se trata de clientes internos o externos..

Veremos que una parte muy importante del manejo de clientes enojados es mostrar empatía.: La empatía es similar a la simpatía. – significa demostrar que comprende el dolor del cliente.

Preguntas de escucha

Mal ejemplo:
1) ¿Cómo el cliente, esteban, aprender el nombre del asociado de servicio?
2) ¿Cuál es el problema de Steve??
3) ¿Cómo podría Jenna haber manejado mejor la queja??

Buen ejemplo:
1) Cuando Steve dice, “Estoy al final de mi cuerda,” Qué quiere decir?
2) ¿Qué hace Sandy para calmar a Steve??

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BEP 52 – Usar lenguaje vago (Parte 2)

This is the second in our two-part Business English Pod series on strategically using vague language. Last time we covered being vague to make a polite excuse or to avoid sounding arrogant. We saw how you can use vague language to create flexibility.

Today we’ll work on referring to vague numbers and learn language you can use when you don’t remember the name of someone or something. You’ll also practice some more strategic uses of vague language, such as avoiding socially inappropriate or impolite topics.

Preguntas de escucha

1) Why doesn’t Mike want to come to the party if Tracy is there?
2) When should Mike show up at the party?

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BEP 51 – Usar lenguaje vago (Parte 1)

Today is the first in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on using vague language. “Vaguemeans not clearly defined. Por ejemplo, if you ask someone what time it is and they say “Acerca de 7 or so,” they are being vague. There are lots of reasons to be vague. Sometimes you need to be vague because you don’t know some information or because the information is not important. And sometimes vague language is just more polite.

En estos dos episodios, we’ll be looking at how to speak in a vague way, but different situations require different styles. You’ll have to use your knowledge of the culture, the people and the situation that you are dealing with to decide which style is most appropriate. Our goal is to give you the communication tools you need to succeed in different environments. In future episodes, we’ll also be looking at other styles of speaking.

You’ll be listening to Jen and Mike, two employees at Nexus communications. Jen is inviting Mike to a party.

Preguntas de escucha

1) What do you think Jen means byulterior motive?”
2) Is Mike a computer expert?

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Noticias de negocios 10 – Viacom demanda a YouTube por 1 Billon de dolares

Today we have a Business English News story on a company that’s been in the news quite a bit recentlyYouTube. En particular, we refresh and discuss some of the key vocabulary we covered in our Video Vocab series on the law and legal vocabulary:

Vocabulario en vídeo 04 – Basic Legal Terms
Vocabulario en vídeo 05 – Casos judiciales
Vocabulario en vídeo 06 – Ley comercial

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BEP 50 – Suavizar las respuestas negativas (Parte 2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on softening negative replies. Last time you worked on softening negative replies in conversation to keep the atmosphere friendly and cooperative. También, you practiced refusing an offer of help and letting someone down gently.

Hoy, we’ll be looking at refusing and disagreeing politely.

All these skills form part of a soft or gentle speaking style, which should form part of your communicative repertoire or toolbox.

Preguntas de escucha

1) Why is the GM of Avitek unable to meet with Nick on Thursday.
2) How is the weather in Kiev?

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