
BEP 88 - Telefonear: Reservar un billete de viaje

In this intermediate Business English lesson, we will practice useful vocabulary and language for making airplane and hotel arrangements on…

Marzo 8, 2008

BEP 72 - Telefonear: Mensajes de correo de voz

En esta lección de inglés de negocios, aprenderemos frases e idiomas útiles para dejar un mensaje de correo de voz.

Noviembre 10, 2007

BEP 67 – Socializing with Colleagues at Work

This is the fourth in a series of business English podcasts that focus on travel English. En particular, we'll cover…

Septiembre 22, 2007

BEP 56 – Viajes de negocios 2: Aduana e inmigración

Continuing our series on business travel, we rejoin Alan and Honesto on their business trip to the USA. in today's…

Junio 30, 2007

BEP 55 – Viajes de negocios: Salida y despegue del aeropuerto

This Business English Podcast lesson is the first in a series of shows that will follow an employee of a…

Junio 29, 2007

BEP 50 – Softening Negative Replies (Parte 2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on softening negative replies. Last time you worked on…

Puede 26, 2007

BEP 49 – Softening Negative Replies (Parte 1)

Esta es la primera de una lección de podcast de inglés de negocios de dos partes sobre cómo suavizar las respuestas negativas. - saying “no” politely.

Puede 23, 2007

BEP 45 – Socializar: Mantener una conversación

This is the second in a two-part intermediate Business English Pod lesson on the basics of socializing and networking. Last…

Abril 28, 2007

BEP 44 – Socializar: Entablar una conversación

Today's Business English Pod lesson is the first in a two-part series on the basics of social English: starting a…

Abril 24, 2007

BEP 39 – Reporting in English: Actualización del proyecto

In this intermediate Business English lesson you'll practice reporting on progress.

Marzo 17, 2007