Habilidades 360 – Presentaciones: Conectando con tu audiencia (2)

Presentaciones de inglés comercial - Connecting to Your Audience (2)

Bienvenido de nuevo a la Habilidades 360 for today’s lesson on how to connect with your audience while you’re actually delivering your presentation.

It’s easy to leave your connection with the audience to chance. Quiero decir, you might think that giving a presentation should be about conveying a message rather than “connecting” with your audience. But I assure you, whatever your message is, you’ll get it across with much greater success if you have a good connection with your audience. And that connection isn’t a chance occurrence. You have to work on it.

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Habilidades 360 – Presentaciones: Conectando con tu audiencia (1)

Inglés de negocios para conectar su presentación con su audiencia 1

Bienvenido de nuevo a la Habilidades 360 para la lección de hoy sobre cómo conectarse con su audiencia durante una presentación.

Probablemente hayas escuchado todo tipo de consejos sobre cómo ofrecer una buena presentación. Pero al final del día, Cada estrategia de presentación está diseñada para una cosa.: conectando con la audiencia. De hecho, si no conectas con tu audiencia, También podrías empacar tu PowerPoint y regresar a casa.. Necesitas construir un puente para enviar tu mensaje.. Sin puente, Sin mensaje. Y no crea que necesita ser un extrovertido tranquilo para conectarse con una audiencia.. Esto es algo que puedes aprender a hacer bien..

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BEP 291 – Habilidades para entrevistas en inglés 3: Metas y expectativas

BEP 291 - Inglés para entrevistas de trabajo 3: Career Goals and Expectations

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on talking about your goals and expectations in a job interview.

en un entrevista de trabajo en inglés, you’ll surely have to answer questions about your experience and your background. And you’ll be trying to convince the interviewers that you’re the person they are looking for. But what are you looking for? And how does the job you’re applying for fit into your plans?

Your goals and expectations matter. Interviewers want to know that you’re the right fit for each other. So you should be prepared to talk about your plans and what you’re looking for. You should also be ready to talk about the industry, and about the company you’re hoping to work for.

Today we’ll learn some of the techniques and language you can use to talk about your goals and expectations in an Entrevista de trabajo en ingles. We’ll look at how to answer a question about career goals, and to answer a negative question. We’ll also cover how to show knowledge about the industry and ask good questions about the company. Y finalmente, we’ll look at how to give salary expectations and talk about your intangible priorities, which means what you’re looking for besides money and benefits.

En el diálogo, we’ll rejoin Ryan, who’s interviewing for a job at a software company. He’s being interviewed by Sandra and Victor, who want to know about Ryan’s goals and expectations.

Preguntas de escucha

1. What is Ryan’s career goal?
2. What question does Ryan ask about the company?
3. What are Ryan’s salary expectations?

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BEP 290 – Habilidades para entrevistas en inglés 2: Manejando preguntas difíciles

BEP 290 - Inglés para entrevistas de trabajo: Dealing with Difficult Questions

Hola y bienvenido de nuevo a Business English Pod. Mi nombre es edwin, and I’ll be your host for today’s lesson on dealing with difficult questions in a job interview.

En un Entrevista en ingles, even simple questions about your experience and background can be difficult to answer well. Even though you’ve done your preparation, you might feel nervous or uncomfortable. Y entonces, to make it even more challenging, the interviewer asks you a difficult question.

Seguro, everyone expects the question about a personal weakness. That’s one that you need to have a good answer for. But you might also get a range of other difficult questions that you can’t prepare for. And so you need to think on your feet and give the best answer you can.

Today we’ll look at some of the techniques and language for interview English you can use when faced with these difficult questions. We’ll learn how to answer hypothetical questions and leading questions. We’ll also cover softening language for talking about a weakness and stalling for time with a difficult question. Y finalmente, we’ll look at how to explain how you’re different from other candidates and how to connect an idea back to an earlier idea.

En el diálogo, we’ll rejoin Ryan, Sandra, and Victor. Ryan is interviewing for a job at a software company, while Sandra and Victor are giving him some difficult questions to deal with.

Preguntas de escucha

1. How does Ryan answer the question about what he “would” do in a certain situation?
2. How does Ryan describe his weakness?
3. What does Ryan think makes him different from other people?

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BEP 289 – Habilidades para entrevistas en inglés 1: Hablando de experiencia

BEP 289 - Inglés para entrevistas de trabajo: Discutir la experiencia previa

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on talking about your work experience during a entrevista de trabajo en inglés.

Un interview in english might just be one of the most stressful experiences in our working lives. Las apuestas son altas, because there’s a job on the line. And it’s our one and only shot to show people why they should choose us over all the other applicants.

So how do you convince someone you’re the best candidate? Bien, you need to answer their questions, por supuesto. But you also need to look behind the questions to see what the interviewer is trying to learn about you. And you need to take the questions as opportunities to impress.

por suerte, there are techniques and language you can learn to help you make a great impression. You can highlight transferable learning from your previous experience. You can also highlight accomplishments and their impact as well as describing your personality. Y finalmente, you can show why you want to work for the company. En la lección de hoy, we’ll learn how to use these techniques in a job interview.

En el diálogo, you’ll hear Ryan, who’s entrevistando en inglés for a job at a large software company. Two managers from the companySandra and Victorare asking questions about Ryan’s experience and personality.

Preguntas de escucha

1. What does Ryan say he learned at his previous job?
2. Ryan describes one of his accomplishments. What does he say was the impact of that accomplishment?
3. How does Ryan describe his own personality?

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