925 Inglés L001 – Cómo decir hola (Vídeo)

Video de Youtube

This is the video version of our first 925lección de ingles, a new series we’ll launch next year. Our first 925English lesson is about how to say hello to colleagues and customers in English. We look at three different situations: How to greet someone you don’t know, how to respond to a greeting and how to informally greet a colleague or friend. For each situation we provide lots of examples and you can practice the language with some short role-plays.

925English is a new business English series for beginners and lower intermediate learners that we’ll launch early next year. 925Las lecciones de inglés se centrarán en fragmentos del idioma y expresiones en inglés que puede utilizar en el trabajo y los negocios.. We’ll look at language you can say in different situations and advice on why and how we use it.

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