ben 21 – Tendencias comerciales para 2013

Business Trends for 2013

En esto Noticias de inglés de negocios lección, we take a look at the prospects for 2013.

As the world rang in 2013, many analysts and commentators feel that it’s time to pull out the crystal ball and try to determine what’s in store in the coming 12 meses. As the OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria explains, there’s still a lot of work to do.

The world economy is far from being out of the woods. The US ”˜debt ceiling debate’, if it materializes, could tip an already weak economy into recession, while failure to solve the euro area crisis could lead to a major financial shock and global downturn. Governments must act decisively, using all the tools at their disposal to turn confidence around and boost growth and jobs.

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4 pensamientos sobre “BEN 21 – Business Trends for 2013

  1. Estoy muy satisfecho con esta lección que está llena de nuevo vocabulario y expresiones comerciales.. Además, el cuestionario es absolutamente rentable.
    Muchas gracias por su ayuda
    Claude DEVERE

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