VV 09 & 10 – Buchhaltungsvokabular

Ein grundlegendes Verständnis von gemeinsam Finanz- und Buchhaltungsbegriffe und englischer Wortschatz ist für alle am Welthandel Beteiligten von wesentlicher Bedeutung. In diesen Video-Casts aus unserer Video Vocab-Serie, Wir erklären die Bedeutung von 20 wichtige Buchhaltungsbegriffe und Beispiele dafür, wie das Vokabular auf Englisch verwendet werden kann.

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Lesson Content: VV 09 Video | VV 10 Video | Study Notes PDF | Online Quizzes

22 Gedanken zu „VV 09 & 10 – Buchhaltungsvokabular”

  1. Thank you for sharing this great lesson for free. I teach in-company and this material came in at the right moment.

  2. i want express a great thanks to all the team of business english pod.
    you are very professional team.

  3. This is a fantastic website. Thank you so much for the opportunity you gave me to listen to it.

  4. Danke, it an extremelly useful material concerning business English. Very well explained and tested.
    Herzliche Glückwünsche!!!!
    Clauceni Pinto.

  5. Much simpler definitions of the vocabulary than a dictionary making it easier to understand.
    Danke dir.

  6. i am quite impressed by the effeciency of the lessons, it could be really great if there was a smilar website for the italian language, i would be gratefull if somebody can give me an information thanks in advance

  7. The different lesson are useful !
    Good exercise to learn how to understand the specificity of english in speech.

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