Vokabular für Business-Englisch

BEP 164 – Football and Soccer Idioms (Teil 2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English lesson on English soccer and football idioms used in business discussions.

Juni 6, 2010

VV 19 – Marketing English Vocabulary: Branding (Teil 2)

In today's Video Vocab lesson is the second of a two-part series on business English vocabulary related to marketing and…

April 6, 2010
New Website for Video Vocab

Neue Website für Video Vocab

Video Vocab ist jetzt auf einer neuen Website verfügbar: VideoVocab.TV Video Vocab is a video podcast (Wodka) published by Business…

Marsch 22, 2010

Business English Games – Sports Idioms Golf Challenge

It's the beginning of a new year, so it's time to get back to work... oder ist es?

Januar 10, 2010

BEP 146 – Geld-Redewendungen (Teil 2)

In this business English podcast we look at English idioms related to money and finance.

November 8, 2009

BEP 145 – Geld-Redewendungen (Teil 1)

In this business English podcast we look at English idioms related to money and finance.

Oktober 31, 2009

VV 17 – IT-Vokabular: Netz 2.0 (Teil 2)

Lernen Sie Business English Vokabeln in Bezug auf Internet-Technologien und Web 2.0.

Oktober 11, 2009

VV 16 – IT-Vokabular: Netz 2.0 (Teil 1)

Lernen Sie den englischen Wortschatz in Bezug auf Internet-Technologien.

Oktober 4, 2009