Vokabular für Business-Englisch

Lernen Sie Business-Englisch-Vokabular für bestimmte Bereiche wie Finanzen, Marketing, legal, Projektmanagement, IT und Technologie, Personalwesen (HR), und internationaler Handel.

BEP 409 – Quality Control 2: Customer Service

BEP 409 - Qualitätskontrolle 2: Kundendienst

Learn English collocations related to quality control, particularly the service aspect.

Juli 7, 2024

BEP 408 - Qualitätskontrolle 1: Herstellung

Learn English collocations for discussing quality control in the manufacturing process.

Juni 23, 2024

Business Englisch News 56 – Deglobalization

In this Business English News lesson on the trend toward deglobalization, we look at business English vocabulary related to economics…

April 1, 2024

Business Englisch News 55 - - 2024 Globaler Wirtschaftsausblick

In dieser Business English News Lektion, we look at business English vocabulary related to the economy and finance and the…

Januar 7, 2024

Business Englisch News 52 – ChatGPT

Learn business English vocabulary related to artificial intelligence and the ChatGPT chatbot.

Februar 26, 2023