BEP 50 – Negative Antworten mildern (Teil 2)

Dies ist die zweite Lektion einer zweiteiligen Business-Englisch-Podcast-Lektion zum Abmildern negativer Antworten. Beim letzten Mal haben Sie daran gearbeitet, negative Antworten im Gespräch abzumildern, um die Atmosphäre freundlich und kooperativ zu halten. Auch, Sie haben geübt, ein Hilfsangebot abzulehnen und jemanden sanft im Stich zu lassen.

Heute, Wir werden versuchen, höflich abzulehnen und anderer Meinung zu sein.

All diese Fähigkeiten sind Teil eines sanften oder sanften Sprechstils, die Teil Ihres kommunikativen Repertoires oder Werkzeugkastens sein sollten.

Fragen zum Zuhören

1) Warum kann sich der GM von Avitek am Donnerstag nicht mit Nick treffen?.
2) Wie ist das Wetter in Kiew??

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BEP 49 – Negative Antworten mildern (Teil 1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on softening negative repliessaying “Nein” politely.

“Nein” is one of the strongest words in any language. Because it carries so much force, “Nein” is hard to say politely. Yet giving a negative reply, disagreeing or refusing a request are all things we have to do on a daily basis. So it’s important to learn how to say “Nein” in a way that enables you to maintain good relationships. In many cases this requires you to take a softer and more indirect approach. So today we’ll work on ways to soften negative replies in a variety of everyday situations.

In the dialog we meet up again with Nicholas Fisher, the European sales director for Harper-Tolland from BEP 35 Und 36. He is flying into Kiev to support local sales staff by meeting with a large potential customer, Avitek. This is a Ukrainian company that manufactures cargo and firefighting aircraft. In our dialog, Nick is being met at the airport by Harper-Tolland’s sales manager in the Ukraine, Oksana Ivanchuk.

Fragen zum Zuhören

1) Has Nick been to the Ukraine before?
2) What day of the week is it?

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BEP 48 – Kaltanruf: Umgang mit Einwänden und Schließen des Anrufs

This is the last in our three-part Business English Podcast series on cold calling. In der heutigen Lektion, you’ll learn how to deal with several typical kinds of objections that a potential customer might raise.

When Steve first asked for an appointment, Linda didn’t agree right away, did she? As you know, it’s normal for even a good prospect to give you one or two negative responses, so it’s important to be ready to deal with these and “turn them around” skillfully.

Today we’ll be listening to the last part of the cold calling dialogue between Linda and Steve. Wie du zuhörst, pay attention to how Steve turns around Linda’s objections.

Fragen zum Zuhören

1. When Steve asks for an appointment, what is Linda’s first response?
2. What is Linda’s second objection?
3. How does Steve deal with Linda’s objections?

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BEP 47 – Kaltanruf: Vorteile klären und einen Pitch machen

Dies ist die zweite in unserer dreiteiligen Business-Englisch-Podcast-Lektion zu einer nützlichen Telefon- und Verkaufsfertigkeit: Kaltakquise.

Du kannst dich immer noch überzeugender machen, indem du gut überlegte Fragen stellst und den Antworten wirklich zuhörst. Dieses Prinzip gilt unabhängig davon, ob Sie ein Produkt oder eine Idee verkaufen. In Teil zwei werden wir uns also einige wichtige Verkaufsfähigkeiten ansehen: strategically clarifying and summarizing your prospect’s concerns and incorporating them into your pitch to make it more persuasive.

Dort, wo wir das letzte Mal aufgehört haben, Steve had just introduced his company’s services and asked Linda a needs analysis question. Now lets listen as he clarifies her needs and makes his pitch.

Fragen zum Zuhören

1. What’s the main issue or problem that Linda sees with her current system?
2. What does Steve mean by a “one-stop” service?
3. What does Linda suggest instead of meeting with Steve?

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BEP 46 – Kaltanruf: Ein guter Start

Today’s lesson is the first in a three-part Business English Pod series on cold calling, the skill of making unsolicited telephone sales calls. Unsolicited means “not asked for.” So cold calling is the skill of making a sales call to someone who is not expecting you.

Cold calling skills are very useful in many parts of business life. To cold call successfully, Sie müssen überzeugend sein. And persuasion is fundamental to business success, whether you are trying to convince a customer to buy something or your boss or colleagues to accept your point of view.

In today’s listening you’ll here two examples, one bad one good. We’ll listen to the bad one first. Josh Knight of Nexus Communications International is cold calling Linda Darling, who works for the law firm Drucker and Smythe. So Linda is Josh’s prospect, or potential customer.

Fragen zum Zuhören

1. Identify four things that Josh does wrong.
2. What is Josh selling?

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