BEP 127 – English Meetings: Ein Problem besprechen (2)

This second part of a two-part Business English Podcast series on running and participating in a problem-solving meeting.

In the first part of this meeting (see BEP 126), the team spent time answering the question: “What ist das Problem?” In today’s episode, we’re going to focus on how to brainstorm solutions to a problem through discussion, how to evaluate and eliminate suggestions and then agree a plan of action.

Kathryn, Leiterin der Personalabteilung eines mittelständischen Unternehmens, is meeting with department heads to discuss a problem they are having with low staff morale. The team has identified the root cause of the problem as the separation of staff across 3 different office locations.

Kathryn wants everyone to critique the ideas that the group has brought forward, in order to eliminate impractical suggestions. We’ll see how she confirms the best solution and how her team suggests points for action. Wie der Dialog beginnt, Kathryn closes the brainstorming session and sums up the input that has been received.

Fragen zum Zuhören

1) How many ideas does the group come up with for solving the staff morale problem?
2) Which idea does the group agree is the best one to try?
3) Name one of the action points suggested near the end of the meeting.

*** Diese Lektion ist Teil unserer Business Englisch eBook für Besprechungen: Meeting-Grundlagen. Premium Mitglieder Klicke hier zum herunterladen das komplette eBook.

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