BEP 46 – Kaltanruf: Ein guter Start

Today’s lesson is the first in a three-part Business English Pod series on cold calling, the skill of making unsolicited telephone sales calls. Unsolicited means “not asked for.” So cold calling is the skill of making a sales call to someone who is not expecting you.

Cold calling skills are very useful in many parts of business life. To cold call successfully, Sie müssen überzeugend sein. And persuasion is fundamental to business success, whether you are trying to convince a customer to buy something or your boss or colleagues to accept your point of view.

In today’s listening you’ll here two examples, one bad one good. We’ll listen to the bad one first. Josh Knight of Nexus Communications International is cold calling Linda Darling, who works for the law firm Drucker and Smythe. So Linda is Josh’s prospect, or potential customer.

Fragen zum Zuhören

1. Identify four things that Josh does wrong.
2. What is Josh selling?

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3 Gedanken zu „BEP 46 – Kaltanruf: Ein guter Start”

  1. Tremendously usefull & effective.

    Thank you very much for your professionality and the passion you make this business.

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