BEP 163 – Football and Soccer Idioms (Part 1)

This Business English Pod lesson is the first in a two-part series on idioms that come from football, or soccer.

It’s almost time for the World Cup! And as we wait for the games to kick off, here’s a question for you: Have you ever stopped to think about how many similarities there are between business and sports?

Groups of employees work together as teams. Teams, or companies, compete against each other, trying to win recognition, profits, or new clients. Given these similarities, it’s not surprising that language would be similar when we talk about business and sports. And a number of different sports have contributed idioms to the English language.

Today, our focus will be on football idioms. As you listen to the dialog, you might hear some phrases that are new to you. Remembering the relationship between business and sports may help you out. Of course, we’ll go over all of them in the debrief and you’ll have a chance to practice them, too.

We’ll be listening to Karl and Marilyn, two friends that work at a publishing firm. Karl is thinking about applying for a manager’s job at the company’s Sydney location. He’s not sure about it, though, so he asks Marilyn what she thinks.

Listening Questions

1. Why does Karl want to leave his current job?
2. What are two things Marilyn knows about the Sydney branch?
3. What has Karl heard about the Sydney branch?

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VV 19 – Marketing English Vocabulary: Branding (Part 2)

YouTube video

In today’s Video Vocab lesson is the second of a two-part series on business English vocabulary related to marketing and branding. In the last episode, we focused on developing a brand. Today, we’ll look at ways to make a brand successful.

This lesson is also available on our new website: www.VideoVocab.TV.

Subscribe to Video Vocab TV in iTunes and receive a free copy of the study notes for VV 18 & 19:

Premium Members: PDF Transcript | Quizzes | MP3 Audio Only

Download: Podcast Video

New Website for Video Vocab

Video Vocab is now available on a new website: VideoVocab.TV

Video Vocab is a video podcast (vodcast) published by Business English Pod for English as a second language (ESL) learners who want to expand and improve their English vocabulary for business.

Each ESL video lesson looks at a group of key English vocabulary words and terms related to a particular business topic. The meaning of the vocabulary is explained with simple definitions and pictures, and an example of how the vocabulary can be used.

Current lessons feature vocabulary on the economy, law, project management, accounting and finance, the credit crisis and Web 2.0 internet technologies.

Now available in iTunes (click to subscribe)
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