BEN 18 – The Business of the Olympics

Business English News - The Olympics

In this Business English News lesson, we take a look at the economic aspects of the Olympic Games.

The Olympic motto ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’ will be in full force this year as London hosts the 30th Olympic Games. However, it won’t be just the athletes trying to go ‘higher, faster, stronger’, but also companies poised to rake in the dough in what many hope will be a financial windfall.

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VV 31 – Business English Vocabulary: Supply Chain (2)

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In this Video Vocab lesson, we’ll look at English vocabulary for describing some of the processes involved in managing the supply chain, such as warehousing, purchasing, and materials management. We’ll also cover more advanced concepts such as enterprise resource planning, just in time manufacturing, and quality assurance.

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VV 30 – Business English Vocabulary: Supply Chain (1)

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In this Video Vocab lesson, we’ll look at business English vocabulary for describing the basic steps in the supply chain, beginning with suppliers, who sell materials or parts to the manufacturers that assemble products. The products then go to distributors, who transport them to retailers, where they are then sold to consumers or end users.

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BEN 17 – Facebook IPO: The Aftermath

Business English News 17 - Facebook IPO Aftermath

In this Business English News lesson, we follow up on Facebook’s recent IPO.

After a long wait, and even more hype, Facebook joined NASDAQ on May 18th; although it wasn’t all smooth sailing for Zuckerberg and friends. After opening 30 minutes late, and climbing briefly from the opening price of $38 a share; reality set in.

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BEP 211 – Business English Idioms: Colors (2)

Welcome back to Business English Pod for this lesson on English idioms. Today we’re going to be talking about English idioms related to color.

What do I mean by ‘colorful idioms’? I mean expressions that either use the word ‘color’, or mention a specific color. English is full of these expressions. We have color idioms that describe people, moods, situations, activities, and frequency. We even have some that relate specifically to money and finances.

That’s right. Color is important in all parts of life, including business. Just ask your tailor. He might advise you to wear a dark blue suit to show authority, a grey suit to convey security, or a brown suit to show openness. So, just as you should pay attention to color in your clothes, you should be mindful of color in your speech.

In today’s lesson, we’ll continue with a conversation between Mike and Rachel. They’re talking about the possibility of Rachel changing positions, and her interview experience. In their conversation, you will notice that both Mike and Rachel use several business English idioms related to color. Make a note of these idioms, and we’ll go through the conversation again and look at what they mean.

Listening Questions

1. Why was Rachel embarrassed at her interview?
2. What did Rachel accomplish that Mike is impressed by?
3. What does Mike think Rachel should decide about the job offer?

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