Business English News 37 – Brexit

Business English News 37 - Brexit & EU Referendum

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that the people of the UK woke up on June 24 to learn that they had voted in favour of leaving the European Union, otherwise know as Brexit. After an emotional campaign, 33.5 million votes were cast in the referendum with 17.4 million voting for Leave, and 16.1 million for Remain. Months of warnings from both camps focused on both the political and economic ramifications and rewards.

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VV 50 – Legal English: Intellectual Property and Copyright Law (2)

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In this lesson we’ll learn legal English vocabulary related to copyright. Copyrighted works are created by authors, who receive royalties for the use of their work. Copyright exists for a specific term, and may be assigned to others. Limits to copyright include works in the public domain as well as fair use. We’ll also look at ideas like copyright infringement and piracy.

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VV 49 – Legal English: Intellectual Property Law (1)

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In this lesson we’ll look at legal English vocabulary related to intellectual property, or IP. Intellectual property includes patents, as well as trademarks and trade secrets. IP may be licensed to others, but it still belongs to the rights holder. We’ll cover activities such as counterfeiting, as well as reverse engineering. And finally, we’ll look at designation of origin.

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Business English News 36 – Internet of Things

Business English News 36 - The Internet Of Things

If you’re a fan of technology, you’ve likely come across the term Internet of Things, or IoT. It’s the connection of everyday devices to the Internet and has already started to change the way we interact with each other and the online world, and as Business Insider explains, it’s just getting started.

The Internet of Things has been labeled as “the next Industrial Revolution” because of the way it will change the way people live, work, entertain, and travel, as well as how governments and businesses interact with the world. In fact, the revolution has already started.

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VV 48 – English Vocabulary for Manufacturing 2

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In this lesson we’ll look at Business English vocabulary related to the manufacturing process. This includes research and development, or R&D, as well as making prototypes. Next we’ll look at different approaches to manufacturing, including lean manufacturing, total quality management, or TQM, and Six Sigma. And most manufacturers follow a set of standards called ISO, especially ISO 9001 and ISO14001. Finally, we’ll look at a variety of manufacturing processes, such as machining, molding and extruding.

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