Sales English

BEP 280 – Sales English 2: Understanding Customer Needs

BEP 280 – Sales English 2: Understanding Customer Needs

Learn Business English for understanding your customer's needs in the sales process,

December 6, 2015

BEP 279 – Sales English 1: Making your Approach

Learn Business English for starting off the sales process with an introductory meeting.

November 28, 2015

BEP 246 – Product Presentations in English (2)

Learn language and techniques for presenting a product or service in English.

February 16, 2014

BEP 245 – Product Presentations in English (1)

In this Business English Pod lesson, we look at language and techniques for presenting a product or service.

February 8, 2014

VV 36 – English for Sales Management (2)

Learn business English vocabulary for discussing sales management.

November 12, 2013

VV 35 – English for Sales Management (1)

Learn English vocabulary and collocations related to sales management.

November 5, 2013

BEP 234 – English for Conferences 2: Hosting a Social Event

Learn Business English for hosting a social event at a conference.

June 30, 2013

BEP 228 – Telephoning: Making Sales Calls in English (2)

Learn Business English for selling products by telephone.

March 24, 2013

BEP 227 – Telephoning: Making Sales Calls in English (1)

Learn Business English for making sales telephpne calls and selling products on the phone.

March 17, 2013

BEP 209 – Contract Negotiations 2: Discussing the Fine Print

This is the second part of our Business English Pod series on negotiating a contract. So, you've found a company…

May 20, 2012