BEP 140 – Dealing with Problems over the Phone

In this Business English Pod lesson we’re going to look at discussing problems over the phone. For the example today, we’ll focus on chasing up an outstanding invoice, or a bill that hasn’t been paid on time.

In business, it’s not unusual to have a customer who’s late with a payment. Sometimes an invoice just hasn’t been received; other times the customer might not have the funds to cover the bill. Eventually, you need to call, discuss the problem, and try and work out a solution.

In today’s podcast, we’ll practice phrases for introducing the problem, clearly stating the details in a polite but firm manner, making an offer and proposing a solution.

The dialog features Marcy, who works for Computer Solutions. Marcy’s company provided software and training for Jack Fountain’s department at ATI Communications. Months have passed since Marcy submitted her first invoice, but no payment has been made. Now she’s calling to find out why. First, she speaks with Donna in the Accounts Payable department.

Listening Questions:

1) Where does Jack think Marcy’s invoice might be?
2) What are the payment terms that Jack agreed to?
3) What solution does Jack suggest?

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BEP 124 – Travel English: Checking Out of a Hotel

If you’ve ever checked into a hotel, there’s one more thing you’ll definitely have to do before you leave, check out of the hotel and pay the bill. So, in this Business English Podcast lesson we’ll be looking at some of the language you might use as you’re preparing to depart.

A while back, in BEP 55 and BEP 56, we were introduced to Alan Chan and Honesto Salvador, two employees of a US electronics manufacturer visiting the USA on a business trip. As part of their training they have made a trip to Boston and will also travel to a nearby plant in New Haven. We join Alan and Honesto at the hotel in Boston as they go to reception to check out and pay the bill.

Listening Questions

1. How does Honesto feel about breakfast at the hotel?
2. Who was responsible for the minibar charge?
3. Why does Honesto mention his club membership?
4. How will Alan and Honesto get to the airport?

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BEP 88 – Telephoning: Booking a Travel Ticket

Booking tickets on the phone is a basic part of business travel. In this intermediate Business English Podcast, we will practice useful phrases and language for making travel arrangements on the telephone.

Viva is an Italian manufacturer of ladies’ apparel, or clothing. Marco and Francesca, Viva employees, are on a business trip. After visiting customers in the UK, they are now heading to Las Vegas in the United States to meet with their American distributor – the company that sells their product there. Marco calls a travel agent to book tickets for them.

Listening Questions

1) When does Marco want to leave and when does he want to return? Will he and Francesca be flying first class, business class or economy?
2) Does Marco ask the travel agent to “hold the fare” or does he pay for it immediately?
3) Does Marco need to pick up his and Francesca’s tickets at the travel agent’s office?

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BEP 80 – Travel English: Checking In to a Hotel

In this Business English Podcast lesson, we will focus on phrases and vocabulary – both for checking in and for enquiring about hotel services whilst checking in.

Arriving at a hotel after a long, hard day of travel, you need to do one last thing before you can take a hot shower and relax in front of the TV – you need to check in. That means registering for the room by filling out any necessary forms and giving the hotel your credit card number.

Checking in to hotels is another important part of travel, whether it’s for business or for pleasure. This episode follows on from BEP 79 Travel: Reserving a Hotel Room, in which Sarah Johnson called to reserve a room at the Majestic Hotel in New York. Sarah has now arrived, and she is ready to begin her stay.

In the listening, Paul, at reception, helps Sarah register for the room. Pay attention to the language Sarah uses.

Listening Questions

1) When she reserved the room, Sarah asked for a dinner reservation. What is the name of the hotel’s restaurant? Which floor is it on?
2) What do guests need to bring with them to the fitness center?
3) How does Sarah pay for her room deposit?

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BEP 79 – Travel: Making a Hotel Reservation

Today’s Business English Podcast lesson is on making a hotel reservation.

It’s something all of us need to do: Whether it’s for a company business trip, or for personal travel – we all need to, at some time or another, call a hotel to reserve a room. Of course, making reservations is not only useful for hotels but also for all sorts of situations – conferences, restaurants, airplane travel, and any other type of event that requires us to book in advance.

That is the skill that we will be practicing in this episode – making reservations. Along the way, we’ll also be learning vocabulary for staying in hotels.

In the listening, Sarah Johnson is going on vacation with her husband. She calls the reservations desk at the Majestic Hotel in New York, where a staff member, Tony, picks up the phone. As you listen, pay attention to the language Sarah uses, and try to answer the following questions.

Listening Questions

1) What kind of room does Sarah want?
2) What extra request does Sarah have?
3) Tony makes a mistake while taking Sarah’s reservation. What is it?

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