Business English

Skills 360 – Preparing for your Year-end Review

The Skills 360 podcast is now available in iTunes: Free iTunes Subscription The end of 2011 is fast approaching, and…

November 20, 2011

BEP 197 – Delivering Training (Part 2)

This is the second in our two-part Business English Pod lesson on delivering workplace training. Delivering training requires you to…

November 13, 2011

BEP 196 – Delivering Training (Part 1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod lesson on delivering workplace training in English. At some point…

November 6, 2011

VV 26 – Legal English Vocabulary: Contract Law (1)

Learn Business English vocabulary related to legal contracts and the law.

October 24, 2011

Business English News 12 – Steve Jobs Tribute

Business English News is a new show on Business English Pod about current events, especially things happening in the business…

October 16, 2011

BEP 195 – Small Talk before a Meeting in English (2)

Learn Business English for engaging in small talk with you colleagues at work, especially before a meeting in English.

October 9, 2011

Skills 360 – Making the Most of Personal Learning 2

Welcome back to the Skills 360 podcast. The Skills 360 Podcast is now available in iTunes: Free iTunes Subscription In…

September 25, 2011