Skills 360 – 9 Habits of Highly Effective Language Learners (1)

Skills 360 - 9 Habits of Effective English Language Learners 1

Welcome back to the Skills 360 for today’s lesson on the habits of highly effective language learners.

How is it that some people seem to pick up language easily, while others struggle for years and can’t seem to get the hang of it? Well, you might think it’s all about talent, that some people just have a knack for languages, while others don’t. Talent is part of it, but only a small part of it. In fact, most people who do a good job of learning a language aren’t necessarily smarter than everyone else, they just have good habits.

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Skills 360 – How to Sound Credible (Part 2)

Skills 360 Lesson Module - How to Sound Credible 2

Welcome back to the Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how you can sound more credible or believable.

In the last lesson, we looked at what you should say to sound credible. In this lesson, we’re going to take a look at what not to say. In other words, there are some things that can damage your credibility. These are habits or expressions that will make people trust you less, not more.

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Skills 360 – How to Sound Credible (Part 1)

Skills 360 Lesson Module - How to Sound Credible 1

Welcome back to the Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to sound credible, or believable.

It’s election year in the USA, and you’ve probably been hearing some pretty big talk from the candidates. One of the most glaring problems with so much of these candidates’ statements is that of credibility.

Sounding credible means that people can trust you, and trust what you say. And not just because you tell them to. Sounding credible also means people will respect you and believe you have the competence to get the job done. So, how do you make people believe that? What exactly should you say to sound credible?

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Skills 360 – Presentations: Connecting with your Audience (2)

Business English Presentations - Connecting to Your Audience (2)

Welcome back to the Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to connect with your audience while you’re actually delivering your presentation.

It’s easy to leave your connection with the audience to chance. I mean, you might think that giving a presentation should be about conveying a message rather than “connecting” with your audience. But I assure you, whatever your message is, you’ll get it across with much greater success if you have a good connection with your audience. And that connection isn’t a chance occurrence. You have to work on it.

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Skills 360 – Presentations: Connecting with your Audience (1)

Business English for Connecting your Presentation to your Audience 1

Welcome back to the Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to connect with your audience during a presentation.

You’ve probably heard all sorts of advice about delivering a good presentation. But at the end of the day, every single presentation strategy is designed for one thing: connecting with the audience. In fact, if you don’t connect with your audience, you might as well pack up your PowerPoint and head home. You need to build a bridge to send your message across. No bridge, no message. And don’t think you need to be an easy-going extrovert to connect with an audience. This is something that you can learn to do well.

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